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New Features in Spydus 10.8 / ERM features in Spydus 10.8
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    ERM features in Spydus 10.8
    In This Topic

    Automatically generate a thumbnail for PDF and Office documents files uploaded to Azure storage

    This feature requires server version 10.6.1 or higher.  

    Automatically generate a thumbnail for PDF and Office documents files uploaded to Azure storage

    This feature requires server version 10.6.1 or higher.  

    In addition to image files, thumbnails will now be correctly generated for a number of additional file types. File types now included are:

    These thumbnails will be shown at the Brief and Full Display of the Digital Asset record, and any other record linked to the DA record (e.g. Archival Description).

    Track use of AI functionality for charging

    This feature applies only to libraries who have purchased the additional Azure Cognitive Services for Digital Assets.

    As the use of Azure Cognitive Services attracts additional charges based on usage, Civica have developed internal tracking, logging and reporting for the purposes of billing these services. 

    Add Borrower Category and Validation options to ERM

    This feature requires server version 10.8.2 or higher.  

    It is now possible to restrict access to Online Resource records at the OPAC using borrower validation, or restricting by borrower category. Two new options have been added to the Online Resource add/edit interface: