Spydus Help
Allow staff to place anonymous purchase requests
§w special relationship codes for authorities
2FA parameters for OPAC login
About authorities and RDA
About borrower archiving
About changing an authority at the appropriate level
About issue title elements
About MARC authorities
About reports
About serial properties
About the Add/Edit Issue page
About the Character Map
About the Issue Maintenance page
About the log file
Access to Enquiry
Accession records for Archives
Acquisitions FAQs
Acquisitions features in Spydus 10.7
Acquisitions features in Spydus 10.8
Acquisitions features in Spydus 10.9
Acquisitions general parameters
Acquisitions maintenance
Acquisitions Menu
Acquisitions search pages
Acquisitions summary report
Acting as an ILL Lender
Ad hoc charge parameters
Add a "general" load control
Add a borrower trap/alert for debt collection
Add a charge for the debt collection fee
Add a downloadable load control
Add a new currency
Add a new event
Add a new serial issue
Add an authority using Cataloguing
Add an eresource load control
Add an item load control
Add and edit holdings
Add borrower account
Add borrower categories
Add borrower SDI profile in Enquiry
Add collections
Add locations
Add new fields or subfields
Add or copy alerts
Add or copy borrower traps
Add or copy charges
Add or copy item statuses
Add or delete items to/from a stock rotation plan
Add or edit demerits
Add or edit indicators
Add or edit user accounts
Add orders to a PO
Add orders to a PO from the Order List
Add orders to an invoice from the Order List
Add orders to an invoice from the Purchase Order List
Add see also references to a "blind" authority
Add see also references to an existing authority
Add see references to an existing authority
Add, copy or update policies
Add, delete or deactivate a fund control
Add, edit or copy registration details
Add, edit or delete a fund
Add, edit or delete a notice type for a policy
Add, edit or delete allocation patterns
Add, edit or delete barcode parameters
Add, edit or delete charges for a borrower
Add, edit or delete fund patterns
Add, edit or delete items to spine label & barcode printing queue
Add, edit or delete materials
Add, edit or delete order templates
Add, edit or delete profiles for borrowers
Add, edit or delete stock rotation plans for items
Add, edit or print routing lists
Add, edit, delete or suspend a vendor
Adding digital objects
Adding or editing Contracts
Adding or editing Online Resources
Adding or removing Staff Tags from a bibliographic record
Adding, editing or deleting Digital Asset records
Address and contact for location
Adjustment charge details for Acquisitions
Advance period for bookings
Age limit for the guarantor prompt in borrower registration
Age to delink head of family from borrower's account
Alert for issue/renewal trap
Alert for validation/activity trap
All Resources search section
Allocate reservations
Allocate reserved items automatically
Allocate shelf check assigned items
Allocation charges and points
Allocation charges and points (global)
Allow anonymous purchase requests in OPAC
Allow booking of a partial slot at the end of the day
Allow bulk update of charge
Allow issue at other institutions
Allow issues only after this time
Allow issues only on or after this date
Allow item status to be set/removed manually
Allow manual removal/setting of borrower trap
Allow manual removal/setting of charge
Allow multiple bookings
Allow OPAC reservations if on order
Allow OPAC reservations if on order (global parameters)
Allow or block allocation of items with a status
Allow or block bookings for a booking policy
Allow or block bookings for a collection
Allow or block bookings for items with a status
Allow or block deletion of items with a status
Allow or block issues for item status
Allow or block issues for loan policy
Allow or block profile matching for a collection
Allow or block profile matching for a location
Allow or block profile matching for an item status
Allow or block reservation of items with a status
Allow or block reservations for a collection
Allow or block returns for item status
Allow other institutions to edit item status
Allow overnight minute loans
Allow renewal at other institutions
Allow reservations in order details
Allow return at other institutions
Allow staff reservations (global parameters)
Allow staff reservations if no holdings or on order
Alternative URL for a collection
Always refund reservation charges if auto cancellation
Always send notifications to Head of Family
Amend a reservation queue
An overview of shelf check
API features in Spydus 10.8
API features in Spydus 10.9
API features in Spydus 11
API Manager
Application Settings
Apply discount rate by default
Apply fines for overdue items
Apply notice policy processing charge for all delivery methods
Apply overdue fines and demerit points to all borrowers
Apply tax to charge
Apply trap after this many no-shows
Apply vendor's average price as default
Applying demerits for overdue items
Approve invoices
Approve or decline registrations and resignations
Approve or decline waived charges
Approve, decline or delete comments
Archival descriptions
Archive search section
Archives features in Spydus 10.6
Archives features in Spydus 10.7
Archives features in Spydus 10.8
Archives Menu
Archiving standards
Are notices active
Article search section
Authority control for Archives
Authority fields and bibliographic fields
Authority Search
Authority search and Authority Control search
Automatic transliteration from Chinese to Pinyin
Automatically renew loans
Average price
Barcode parameters
Barcode Parameters and Templates
Bibliographic details in an order
Bibliographic Search
Bibliographic Search (External)
Bibliographic Search ISBN (External)
Bibliographic search section
Birthday alert
Block change to location or collection for item status
Block circulation notices when borrower has a trap
Block reactivation of items
Block recalls for item status
Block reservations
Block reservations (global)
Block transaction
Block transfer of items from a particular collection to closed reserve collection
Block transfer of items from a particular location to closed reserve collection
Book group category
Book group kit
Book Group Kits search section
Book Group search section
Book Groups
Booking and Issuing Book Group Kits
Booking buffer slots
Booking checkout charge
Booking placement charge
Booking policies
Booking type
Bookings summary report
Bookings trend report
Boolean queries
Borrower activity report
Borrower archiving
Borrower categories
Borrower Contact Details Confirmation
Borrower details and transaction summary in Circulation
Borrower home location
Borrower must be logged in to access SavedList functionality
Borrower privilege level for bookings
Borrower privilege level for loans
Borrower registration
Borrower registration parameters
Borrower search
Borrower transaction history de-linking
Borrower traps
Borrower trend report
Box sets
Branch summary report
Branch transfer request charge/points
Brief catalogue entry in Circulation
Budget check
Bulk change
Bulk change due date
Bulk change due date - notify borrower
Bulk change reservation
Bulk edit existing bibliographic records
Bulk item deletion
Bulk item maintenance
Bulk Send Communication
Bulk trap maintenance
Bulk Update Archival Description
Bulk Update Staff Tags
Call number prefix
Cancel bookings automatically when item status is set
Cancel or complete outstanding orders prior to fund rollover
Cancel or suspend reservations from Enquiry
Cancel orders
Cancel POs
Cancel reservations automatically when item moved to collection
Cancel reservations automatically when item status is set
Cancel/Refund lost charges at return
Cash drawer parameters
Cash drawers
Cataloguing features in Spydus 10.6
Cataloguing features in Spydus 10.7
Cataloguing features in Spydus 10.8
Cataloguing features in Spydus 10.9
Cataloguing features in Spydus 11
Cataloguing general parameters
Cataloguing maintenance
Cataloguing menu
Cataloguing templates
Category quota for borrower categories
Cc address for email claims and reminders
Change alert text
Change item status
Change records using Select/Change
Change tag numbers using Authority Control
Change the exchange rate for a currency
Change the item status description shown in OPAC
Character encoding scheme 000/09
Charge after lost period
Charge amounts are tax inclusive
Charge code for event registration fee
Charge details for Acquisitions
Charge parameters for Self Service
Charges for borrower categories
Charges in Circulation
Charges summary for Acquisitions
Charges, refunds, deposits and demerits
Check all institutions for borrower trap
Check availability
Check availability (global parameters)
Check existing loans for bookings
Check existing loans for reservations
Check existing loans for reservations
Check existing loans for reservations (global parameters)
Check for multiple external fund IDs on an invoice
Check loan history
Check loan policy for maximum loans
Check previous loans
Check the status of Authority Control processes
Check-in and accession items
Check-in details, allocation and order details
Circulation analysis report
Circulation features in Spydus 10.6
Circulation features in Spydus 10.7
Circulation features in Spydus 10.8
Circulation features in Spydus 10.9
Circulation features in Spydus 11
Circulation general parameters
Circulation login location
Circulation maintenance
Circulation menu
Circulation notice parameters
Circulation Offline
Circulation Offline FAQs
Civica Self-Service Support Portal
Claims and reminder report
Claims and reminders for Acquisitions
Claims and reminders in an order
Claims, reminders and notes for a vendor
Clear payment mode after each transaction
Closed reserve collection
Closed reserve collection
Collection category
Collection Charges Parameters
Collection filters for articles
Collection parameters for bookings
Community Info Menu
Community Information
Community Information search section
Complete a shelf check assignment manually
Complete orders
Complete reservation if another item is allocated
Complex see also references (360 field)
Configuring demerits
Confirm and dispatch POs
Confirm orders
Confirmation required for bookings
Consortium payments - allow other institutions to pay or refund charges from this institution
Consortium payments - allow payment/refund of charges from other institutions
Contact details for a vendor
Container parameters
Container parameters for Events
Container properties
Continuous order details
Control numbers for Acquisitions
Copy or move locations
Copy order Material type to items
Copy, edit or delete a load control
Count a multiple copy reservation as a single reservation
COVID-19 Quarantine Factsheet
Create A Custom Menu On Home Page
Create a new Cataloguing template
Create a new invoice
Create a new lender for requests
Create a new order
Create a new order from a template
Create a new PO
Create a new record by editing/copying an existing one
Create a new record using a Cataloguing template
Create a new record using a Cataloguing worksheet
Create a new request
Create orders from a MARC file
Create, edit or delete a box set
Creating & Editing Book Groups
Creating Blanket Orders
Creating canned searches
Credit and debit notes
Current ILL Requests report
Current Purchase Requests report
Current Requests report
Custom CSS Styles tab
Cutoff for rounding charges
Cutoff period for minute loans
Cutoff period for overnight minute loans
Cutoff period for renewals
DAM adapter parameters
Date of birth mandatory
Days until suppression of loan history
Deactivate item when lost and lost processing charges paid
Debarral for borrower categories
Debarral notices
Debt collection
Default borrower messages to local
Default classification scheme for orders
Default collection for ILL requests
Default days for "last date required" for ILL requests in OPAC
Default expiry period for orders
Default item status for ILL requests
Default payment mode
Default reminder period for events
Delay calculation of overdues
Delete authorities
Delete bibliographic records
Delete invoices
Delete or deactivate locations
Delete or suspend alerts
Delete or suspend borrower categories
Delete or suspend borrower traps
Delete or suspend charges
Delete or suspend item statuses
Delete or suspend policies
Delete orders
Delete POs
Delete references from an Authority record
Delete, deactivate or reactivate a currency
Delete, deactivate or reactivate user accounts
Delete, deactivate or suspend collections
Delete/resign a borrower
Deleted items report
Delivery rounds and profile matching
Demerits active
Demerits for loan policy
Deposits active
Details for borrower categories
Details for collections
Details for locations
Digital Assets
Digital Assets - Azure Cognitive Services
Digital Assets features in Spydus 10.6
Digital Assets General Parameters
Digital Assets Menu
Display alert if borrower has title
Display alert if last copy issued
Display alert on issue at self check terminals
Display alert when global reservation placed and there are local holdings
Display alerts when you select a borrower
Display allocated reservations at Front Desk
Display borrower expiry alert at issue/renewal
Display due date alert at renewal
Display ILL alert at issue/renewal
Display item notes at issue/return
Display overdue alerts at issue/renewal
Display parameters
Display parameters for Events
Display tag descriptions
Displaying the Charges dialog and selecting charges
Do not auto cancel other similar reservations for borrower
Do not automatically reactivate resigned borrowers
Do not display pickup locations from other institutions
Do not refund event registration fee automatically
Do not save cancelled borrower barcodes
Do not update last sighted date and time during stocktake
Download a template, export a file or import a file
Due date lag for bookings
Due to expire days for requests
eBook parameters
eContent APIs
EDI information for a vendor
EDI Requirements & notes for vendors
Edit a record you've saved to PC
Edit an authority using Authority Control
Edit an authority using Cataloguing
Edit an existing record in Cataloguing
Edit an existing record in the Web
Edit authorities using Authority Control
Edit authorities using Cataloguing
Edit existing records
Edit fields and subfields
Edit MARC specification
Edit or delete Cataloguing templates
Edit policy hierarchy
Edit reservation (OPAC)
Edit the description for a borrower trap
Edit the description for a charge
Edit the description for an alert
Edit the description for an item status
Editing a CSV file for User Accounts Bulk Update
Electronic Resource Management (ERM)
Email & SMS parameters
Enable multiple copy reservations
Enable multiple copy reservations in OPAC
Enable multiple copy reservations in staff enquiry
Enquiry features in Spydus 10.6
Enquiry features in Spydus 10.7
Enquiry features in Spydus 10.8
Enquiry features in Spydus 10.9
Enquiry features in Spydus 11
Enquiry pages for Events
Enquiry parameters
Enquiry parameters for Events
ePayment Integration
ERM - Digital Assets
ERM - Online Resources and Contracts
ERM features in Spydus 10.6
ERM features in Spydus 10.7
ERM features in Spydus 10.8
ERM features in Spydus 10.9
ERM features in Spydus 11
ERM Menu
eVendor features in Spydus 10.6
eVendor features in Spydus 10.7
eVendor features in Spydus 10.8
eVendor features in Spydus 10.9
eVendor features in Spydus 11
Event list report
Event location
Event search section
Events Dashboard
Events features in Spydus 10.6
Events features in Spydus 10.7
Events features in Spydus 10.9
Events features in Spydus 11
Events general parameters
Events Menu
Events Notice Parameters
Example of barcode parameters
Example of changing authorities using Edit Heading and Global Change
Example workflows for Acquisitions
Example workflows for requests
Examples of bulk change parameters
Examples of inserting a diacritic
Examples of stock rotation types
Exclude items with a status from loan quota validation
Exclude items with a status from onloan slip
Expired registrations borrower category
Expiry period for bookings
Expiry period for profile matching requests
Expiry period for profile matching requests (global)
Expiry period for unallocated reservations
Expiry period for unallocated reservations (global)
Extend hold period for item status
External links
External programs
External search section
External sites editor
Family loan quota
FAQs for circulation notice parameters
FAQs for stock rotation
Fields in a request
Fields in borrower registration
File Upload Rules
Filters for collections
Fine parameters for loan policy
Fixed and non-fixed control fields
Flexible bookings active
Floating tax rate
Forget personal details
Freeze fines when item status set
Function keys for Circulation
Fund rollover
Funding allocation in an order
Funds summary report
General barcode parameters
General features in Spydus 10.6
General features in Spydus 10.7
General features in Spydus 10.9
General features in Spydus 11
General maintenance
General parameters for a vendor
General parameters for branch transfer requests
General parameters for EDI
General parameters for global reservations
General parameters for ILL requests
General parameters for OPAC reservations
General parameters for PC Lockout
General parameters for reservations
General parameters for shelf check
General parameters for the LCF API
General Requests Parameters
Generate fund reports prior to rollover
GetRecord verb
Global changes to authorities
Global general parameters
Global ID for borrower categories
Global ID for collections
Global parameters for branch transfer requests
Global reservation policies
Global reservations
Glossary of some basic cataloguing terms
Grace period for lost and paid items
Grace period for overnight minute loans
Groups in item maintenance
Guest Anonymisation
Hierarchy Of OPAC Suppression
Hold period
Hold period (global)
Holdback days
Holdings summary report
Holiday retention period
Holidays extend due date
Holidays extend hold period
Holidays extend hold period
Holidays for location
Home features in Spydus 10.6
Home features in Spydus 10.8
Home features in Spydus 11
Home page
Home Services
Home Services pick list
Home Services round report
How names and subjects can be used in authorities
HTML Configurator - Announcements
HTML Configurator - Availability
HTML Configurator - Brief Display section
HTML Configurator - Digital asset default icons
HTML Configurator - Enriched Content section
HTML Configurator - Error section
HTML Configurator - General tab
HTML Configurator - Global/Consortium section
HTML Configurator - Item material type icons section
HTML Configurator - Login section
HTML Configurator - Logo section
HTML Configurator - New Titles section
HTML Configurator - Previously Borrowed
HTML Configurator - Recently Returned
HTML Configurator - Record format icons
HTML Configurator - Register online section
HTML Configurator - Reservation
HTML Configurator - Reset Password
HTML Configurator - Search section
HTML email & slips configurator
Identify and pay unpaid invoices prior to fund rollover
Identify missing invoices prior to fund rollover
Identify verb
If an authority change is invalid
Ignore calendar
ILL summary report
ILL/Requests Menu
Image parameters
Inactive Borrower Notices
Inflation rate
Inhouse loan
Inhouse returns report
Initially show reservations from all institution in edit reservations
Insert punctuation
Install and open Circulation Offline
Inter branch request email
Inter-branch requests
Function keys for Circulation
Introduction to Circulation
Landing page
Login to Circulation
Navigation Menu for Circulation
Shortcut keys for Circulation
Introduction to Circulation
Invoice summary report
Invoices for borrower categories
Is stock rotation active
Issue Items
Issue or renew items offline
Issue title elements example: bimonthly serial with combined cover date
Issue title elements example: bimonthly serial with combined enumeration
Issue title elements example: date independent enumeration
Issue title elements example: monthly serial
Issue title elements example: semimonthly serial
Issue title elements example: weekly serial
Issue, renew and return items
Issue, renew or return a box set
Issues and Returns
Issues trend report
Item and borrower barcode parameters
Item location
Item maintenance
Item maintenance - Details 2 tab
Item maintenance - Details Tab
Item maintenance - Digital tab
Item maintenance - Holdings Summary tab
Item Maintenance - Other tab
Item maintenance - View Bib Record tab
Item Maintenance Parameters
Item search
Item status
Item status interrelationships
Item tracking
Kinds of authority records
Lag for item for bookings
Lag for title/material collection for bookings
Landing page
Landing Page for Requests
LCF circulation status code (CIS)
Length of booking slots
Link an item to an issue
Link to authorities from Cataloguing
Link to order
Links to articles
List of combining diacritics (non spacing graphic characters)
List of other special characters
ListIdentifiers verb
ListMetadataFormats verb
ListRecords verb
ListSets verb
Load borrower details in Circulation
Load controls
Load controls: General tab
Loan period
Loan policies
Loan Policies - Loans
Loan Policies - Overdue fines
Loan Policies - Renewals
Loan Policies - Rental
Loan Policies - Reservations
Local country
Local currency
Local settings
Lock the Web App session
Log inhouse returns
Login to Circulation
Long overdue period
Lost and paid
Lost and paid report
Lost Charges (Return)
Lost period
Lost period if claimed returned
Main header search section
Maintain references
Maintenance features in Spydus 10.6
Maintenance features in Spydus 10.7
Maintenance features in Spydus 10.8
Maintenance features in Spydus 10.9
Maintenance features in Spydus 11
Make "last date required" mandatory for OPAC requests
Make an alert critical
Manage authorities
Manage borrower messages
Manage borrower records
Manage borrower traps
Manage issues for a serial
Manage lenders for an ILL request
Manage receipts
Manage receipts from a PO
Manage receipts from the Order List
Manage registration for an event
Manage sessions for an event
Manage the lists of available local and global Staff Tags
Mandatory override note at issue/renewal
Manually add a lost charge
Mapping of MARC tags
MARC fields supported by Spydus Authority Control
Mark attendance for an event
Material collection
Material search section
Materials and service charges for a vendor
Maximum adjacent booking slots
Maximum bookings
Maximum claimed returned loans
Maximum grace period that can be set in Local Settings
Maximum ILL charge for requests
Maximum loan period that can be set in Local Settings
Maximum loans for borrower category
Maximum loans for loan policy
Maximum login attempts
Maximum overdue fine for an item
Maximum overdue points for an item
Maximum price variance at check-in
Maximum renewals
Maximum reservations for borrower category
Maximum reservations for one title
Maximum reservations for one title (global parameters)
Maximum reservations for reservation policy
Media type
Membership deposit
Membership fee charge code
Membership for borrower categories
Membership joining fee
Merge bibliographic records
Merge borrowers
Merge holdings in item maintenance
Minimum age limit
Minimum borrower age for a collection
Minimum fund balance
Minimum loan period for minute loans
Minimum loan period that can be set in Local Settings
Minimum minutes for booking slot
Modify the scope of policies
Movement for Archives
Must share registration details in online registration
My account tab
Name details for Archives
Navigate from an article to its parent
Navigation menu
Navigation Menu for Circulation
New borrower message acknowledgement required
New Features in Spydus 10.6
New Features in Spydus 10.7
New Features in Spydus 10.8
New Features in Spydus 10.9
New Features in Spydus 11
New features in Spydus Mobile 2.0.11
New features in SpydusGO 1.3
Newsletter subscription service URL
Non-public and public notes in authorities
No-show charge for bookings
Notice document processing charges
Notice policies
Notice policy parameters
Notice settings for borrower categories
Notices summary report
Notices, slips and scheduled tasks for Events
Notifications and Messages
Number of days to display on Place Booking page
OAI data provider
OAI service provider
OAI set editor
Online Resource search section
Online Resources & Contracts - Lookup tables
OPAC & enquiry maintenance
OPAC and Events
OPAC description for borrower trap
OPAC details for Locations
OPAC features in Spydus 10.6
OPAC features in Spydus 10.7
OPAC features in Spydus 10.8
OPAC features in Spydus 10.9
OPAC features in Spydus 11
OPAC HTML Configurator
Open a file of MARC records
Opening hours for location
Operations menu
Order details
Order List
Order processing
Order status details
Other useful reports
Overdue grace
Overdue loans report
Overdue processing start time
Overriding due date or time
Overview of Archives
Page generator
Parameters for postal deliveries
Password not required to update borrower details in OPAC
Password rules for borrowers and users
Pay charges before renumbering borrower
Pay or refund ad hoc charges without a borrower
Pay, waive or refund charges for a borrower
Payment Parameters
Payment summary for Circulation charges
Period between failed login attempts before reset
Period when an OPAC violation trap is automatically removed
Period when status automatically removed
Pickup location
Place bookings for events
Place bookings via Circulation or Enquiry
Place bookings via OPAC
Placement charges and points
Placement charges and points (global)
Placing archival requests
Placing reservations and shelf check
Points to cash ratio
Postal delivery
Postal delivery active (global)
Post-rollover checks
Predict the effect of changing the exchange rate
Preferences for Circulation Offline
Prepare and download files for Circulation Offline
Print a "pick list" of items available for profile allocation
Print a report on shelf check assigned items
Print charges for Desktop Management
Print membership cards
Print slip when item with a status returned
Privilege level required to remove, suspend and expire the trap
Privilege Manager
Process lost charges at return automatically
Processing archival requests
Processing charge for lost cards
Processing charge for lost/damaged items set in borrower category
Processing charge for lost/damaged items set in collection
Profile matching for one borrower
Profiles (SDI alert profiles, and home services matching profiles)
Prompt for borrower before placing booking in Staff Enquiry
Prompt generic staff for credentials for paying, waiving and ad hoc charges
Prompt to automatically extend a registration expiry date
Public tags
Purchase Order List
Purchase request prompt for reservation placement
Purchase Request Reservation Charge parameters
Purchase Request Reservation parameters
Ranking method for global reservations
Reactivate a deactivated borrower
Reactivate, Deactivate or Expire User Accounts in Bulk
Reading Challenge Goals report
Reading Challenge Registrations report
Reading Challenge search section
Reading Challenges
Reallocate expired reservations
Recalculate funds
Recommendations queries
Record locking
Recover offline transactions
Recurring bookings
Reduction rate for loan period
Refund allocation charge
Refund allocation charge (global)
Refund lost and lost processing charges when item reactivated
Refund lost charge by default
Refund period for bookings
Refund placement charge
Refund placement charge (global)
Register new borrowers offline
Register Online and Update Details Parameters
Registration expiry cutoff period
Registration expiry notices
Registration expiry overrides due date if occurring sooner
Registration for Home Services
Registration list report for events
Registration period
Registration reminder notices
Registration workflow approval required
Remove item status automatically at issue
Remove item status automatically at return
Remove lost charges on return
Renew all loans in Circulation
Renew from original due date
Renew loans for dependants in Circulation
Renew loans in Enquiry
Renew selected loans in Circulation
Renew subscriptions
Renewal overdue days limit (OPAC)
Renewal period
Renewal type limits for loan policy
Rental charge or points
Renumber a borrower
Reports features in Spydus 10.6
Reports features in Spydus 10.7
Reports features in Spydus 10.9
Request Details report
Request List
Request summary report
Request to be forgotten when you resign
Requested Titles report
Requestor in an order
Requests Charges parameters
Requests features in Spydus 10.6
Requests features in Spydus 10.7
Requests features in Spydus 10.8
Requests features in Spydus 10.9
Requests general parameters
Requests ILL parameters
Requests Maintenance
Requests OPAC parameters
Requests search pages
Re-register an expired borrower
Reservation no show
Reservation policies
Reservation summary report
Reservation trend report
Reservation waiting list and shelf check
Reservations in an order
Reserve a box set
Reserve an item
Reserve multiple copies
Reserve multiple titles
Reserved items report
Reserved title days, minutes and limits
Reset password link timeout period
Reset password requires only ID
Reset shelf check history manually
Restricted and blocked locations
Restricted pickup locations
Restricted publications
Resync description for funds
Return items
Return Items at non-shelf check locations
Return items automatically
Return items offline
Rollover and re-use existing fund control
Rollover into existing funds
Rollover into new funds
Rollover options
Run borrower archiving as a scheduled task
Run borrower archiving manually
Run bulk change as a scheduled task
Run bulk change manually
Run debt collection notification
Save a list of MARC records
SavedList Generator
Scheduled task for stock rotation plans
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) parameters
Search for articles
Search for articles in OPAC
Search for articles using Article Quickfind
Search for articles using normal Quickfind
Search for borrowers in Circulation
Search for notices
Search for the source or publisher of an article
Search Holdings menu
Search page parameters
Search Pages
Search tab
Select MARC Specification
Select the records you want to work with
Select, delete, move or copy fields
Self Service
Self Service Alerts
Self service renewal type
Self-Service features in Spydus 10.6
Send Communication
Send communications
Send notices to guarantor
Send renewal reminders
Send unsent POs, claims or cancellation notices
Send welcome e-mails
Send welcome emails and subscribe to newsletter
Separator for call number prefix
Serial Issue Search
Serial properties
Serial records
Serials Menu
Serials search pages
Serials summary report
Session list report for events
Sessions Manager
Set an amnesty start or end date for loans
Set borrower trap as global by default
Set event registration status to confirmed rather than pending payment
Set IT status at return
Set Suppression
Set trap when items long overdue
Set up borrower anonymisation parameters
Set up borrower archiving parameters
Set up bulk change parameters
Set up circulation notice parameters
Set up mobile library routes
Set up Self Service
Set up serial properties from Acquisitions
Set up shelf check locations
Set up the debt collection parameters
Settings and requirements
Settings tab
Shelf check
Shortcut keys
Shortcut keys for Circulation
Show alerts for trapped borrowers
Show or hide alert at issue/return for item status
Show or hide obsolete fields, subfields and indicators
Show or suppress an alert in OPAC and at self service terminals
Single Sign-On (SSO) Configuration Fact Sheet
Slip printing
Slip printing parameters
SLWA batch loads and load control
Sort and refine a set of articles
Sort tracing fields alphabetically
Special characters and diacritics
Specify that item status is "available" at reservation
Specify the privilege level for overriding an alert
Specify the privilege level for suppressing an alert
Spine Label & Barcode Printing
Spine Label & Barcode Printing
Spine Label Parameters and Templates
Spine label request default
Spydus and OAI-PMH
Spydus Mobile
SpydusGO Introduction
Stack collection
Staff General Parameters
Staff General Parameters - General
Staff General Parameters - Login
Staff General Parameters - Users
Staff profiles and the user menu
Staff Tags
Staff user account password reset
Standing reservations
Start and end of financial year
Starting Self Service
Status to apply at inhouse return
Status to apply at return
Status to set for allocated item at pickup location
Status to set when allocation expires/deallocates
Statuses for requests
Stock rotation for collections
Stock rotation plans
Storage locations for Archives
Subscribe/unsubscribe to an e-mail distribution list
Succeeding borrower category and upper age limit
Supervisor functions for Archives
Suppress items with a status from OPAC
Tab properties for containers
Tab properties for containers
Table Manager
Tax details
Test an upload
Thesaurus mapping for authorities
Titles excluded from profile matching
Top borrowers report
Top loans report
Top titles report
Total booking slots
Transfer reservations
Transmit circulation notices via telephone
Transmit notices
Transmit notices manually
Trap item status when offline
Two Factor Authentication at the OPAC
Two Factor Authentication for Spydus staff users
Type of record 000/06 and the 008 tag
Update 001/003 tag
Update 035 tag
Upload records in a MARC file
Use calendar
Use charge for deposits, notice processing or refund
Use current location for loan policy
Use email for notices
Use fixed expiry period
Use Global Change to delete variant forms of an authority
Use Global Change to insert a new subfield in an authority
Use item status in routing lists
Use pickup location to determine allocation policy
Use renewal overdue days limit defined in loan policy
Use telephone interface for notices
User Accounts
User Accounts Bulk Update
User Groups
User Groups
User Interface Setup for borrower registration
Using "modal edit" with a file of MARC records
Using tables to insert codes
Validate a file of MARC records
Validate and test authorities
Validate cancelled borrower barcode alert in Front Desk
Validate records
Validate transaction in OPAC and self service
Vendor performance report
Version details
View a history of issues and returns for an item
View a resigned borrower
View Archive records in a hierarchy tree view
View circulation notice tasks
View, edit and cancel bookings
Waive Approval Group Parameters
Waive or delete demerits
Waive or write-off charges in bulk
Waive parameters
Weeding FAQs
Weeding List Approval Groups
Weeding List Profiles
Weeding List report
Weeding Lists
Weeding maintenance
Welcome to Spydus Help
What is an authority record?
What's In This Booklet?
When are global general parameters used rather than local ones
When lost charges are cancelled at return attempt to delete
Which allocation charge to apply?
Widget Parameters
Workflow for ILL requests
Workflow for information requests
Workflow for purchase requests
Workflow parameters
Workflow search pages
Working with a file of MARC records
Working with a mobile library route
Working with a PO
Working with an invoice
Working with the Event List
Working with the Invoice List
Working with the Order List
Working with the Purchase Order List
Working with the Request List
Worksheet entry for books
Worksheet entry for Digital Assets
Worksheet entry for journal articles
Worksheet entry for newspaper articles