Spydus Help
Cataloguing / Working with a file of MARC records / About the log file
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    About the log file
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    You can choose to write to a log file when you upload records in a MARC file. The log file is written to the same directory as the file you are uploading. The file has the extension .log. Here is a simple example:

    Thu, 2006 Aug 24 08:26; 1; Thu, 2006 Aug 24 08:26; 50; 2 seconds

    Thu, 2006 Aug 24 08:27; 50; Thu, 2006 Aug 24 08:26; 50; 110 seconds


    Spydus will write a line to the log file for every 500 records. For example, if you are loading less than 500 records then the log file will have two lines — one line for the first record loaded and another line for the last record. If you are loading between 500 and 999 records there will be three lines in the log file, if you are loading between 1,000 and 1,499 records there will be four lines, etc.

    We show five bits of information on each line, separated by semi-colons.

    Even if a record fails to load it will still be regarded as "processed" and so will be counted in the total.