Spydus Help
Enquiry / Access to Enquiry
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    Access to Enquiry
    In This Topic

    To access the Enquiry module, login to the Spydus WBA. The login URL will be https://libraryname.spydus.com/spydus.

    To login, enter a username and password, select a location (and sub-location, if required), then click the Login button. 


    If Spydus Preferences have not been configured for the logged in user in their browser, Spydus will prompt to select Slip Printing, Cash Drawer, and additional General preferences. 


    Once the Preferences have been appropriately configured, click OK. The landing page for server versions up to Spydus 10.1.6 will be the Enquiry module Search Holdings page. For server versions 10.2 and higher, users will land in the Home module.

    Click the menu button  then Enquiry to access the Enquiry module.

    An HTML version of the Enquiry module can be accessed at https://libraryname.spydus.com/cat.html. This interface does not provide access to any web app functions i.e. it will be useful for searching only – records are not be able to be edited here.