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Acquisitions / Example workflows for Acquisitions
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    Example workflows for Acquisitions
    In This Topic

    Here are some basic workflows for Acquisitions.

    Workflow #1: no PO or invoice

    This is a really simple workflow. We do everything from the order. There's no PO and no invoice.

    1. Create an order.
    2. Confirm the order.
    3. Check-in the items from the order. You might wish to accession the items when you check them in.

    Workflow #2: no invoice

    In this workflow we create a PO and send it to the vendor. A benefit of this workflow is that you can group multiple orders for the same vendor on one PO.

    1. Create an order.
    2. Confirm the order.
    3. Create a PO. You might add multiple orders to the same PO.
    4. Confirm the PO.
    5. Dispatch the PO to the vendor.
    6. Check in the items from the order or the PO. You might wish to accession the items when you check them in.

    Workflow #3: order, PO and invoice

    The two previous workflows log only commitment against the funds. If you want to log expenditure as well then you might use this third workflow where we create an invoice. The commitment becomes expenditure when you approve the invoice.

    1. Create an order.
    2. Confirm the order.
    3. Create a PO. You might add multiple orders to the same PO.
    4. Confirm the PO.
    5. Dispatch the PO to the vendor.
    6. Create an invoice. You might add multiple order to the same invoice.
    7. Check in the items from the order, the PO or the invoice. You might wish to accession the items when you check them in.
    8. Approve the invoice.

    Workflow #4: order and invoice, but no PO

    This workflow skips the steps to create, confirm and dispatch the PO, but includes the steps to create and approve the invoice. So the commitment against the funds becomes expenditure.

    1. Create an order.
    2. Confirm the order.
    3. Create an invoice. You might add multiple orders to the same invoice.
    4. Check in the items from the order or the invoice. You might wish to accession the items when you check them in.
    5. Approve the invoice.

    Workflow #5: subscription

    For order types like "subscription" you might want to create and approve the invoice before you start checking in items.

    1. Create an order.
    2. Confirm the order. At this point you might want to set up the serial properties.
    3. Create an invoice. You might add multiple orders to the same invoice.
    4. Approve the invoice.
    5. Check in the items from the order. You might wish to accession the items when you check them in.