Spydus Help
Maintenance / Acquisitions maintenance / Adjustment charge details for Acquisitions
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    Adjustment charge details for Acquisitions
    In This Topic

    You can nominate separate adjustment funds to be used when the vendor’s actual invoice is either more or less than the invoice that was created by the library prior to receiving the vendor’s invoice.

    To specify whether to use an adjustment fund and which fund(s) to use:

    1. From the Module Menu select Maintenance, Acquisitions and then General Parameters.
    2. Click the Tax and Charge Details tab.
    3. Select Use adjustment charge if you want to use an adjustment fund, and then select the fund(s).
      • If you select only an Adjustment fund then the adjustment amount including tax will be taken from this fund.
      • If you also select an Adjustment tax fund then the adjustment amount excluding tax will be taken from the Adjustment fund and the tax will be taken from the Adjustment tax fund.
    4. Click Save or Save & Close.