Spydus Help
Enquiry / Archives Menu
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    Archives Menu
    In This Topic

    The options on the Archives menu can be used to access search pages for archival accession records, descriptions, authority records, items and names, storage locations, movement details, archival reuqests and tasks.

    Accession Record

    The Accession Record option will bring you to a search page where you can look for accession records by keywords, title, accession number, accession date, date recieved, beginning date and end date with drop down options to search by acquisition type, access restrictions and use restrictions.


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    Archival Description


    The Archival Description option drops down to give you two search options for archival descriptions; Quickfind and Advanced Search.


    The Quickfind option will take you to a search page which allows you to search by any relevant terms to find the record you are looking for.


    Click image to enlarge

    Advanced Search

    The Advanced Search option will take you to an extensive search page which will allow you to find archival records based on search terms, reference codes, levels of description, material type, language, record type, access and use restrictions, encoding levels and dates.

    images/Spydus_Enquiry_Archivesadvanced search_thumb.JPG

    Click image to enlarge

    Authority Search

    The Authority Search option will bring you to a search page where you are able to search for authority records by their heading, source, thesaurus, category, type, encoding level, status, creation date and date last updated.


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    Physical Item Search

    The Physical Item Search option bring you to a search page with options to search for items by keywords, titles, reference codes, type, if they have a surrogate copy of not, if they are a digital or physical item, if they may be issued or reproduced, when their maintenance is due, when the items were created and when the items were last updated.


    Click image to enlarge

    Name Details

    The Name Details option will bring you to a search page where you can search for name records within archives by keywords, display name, reference code, date of birth, date of death, encoding level of the record, status, date created and date last updated.


    Click image to enlarge

    Storage Location

    The Storage Location option will bring you to a search page where you can search for archival storage locations by their name, code, type, date created and date last updated.


    Click image to enlarge


    The Movement option will bring you to a search page where you can search for movement records by their movement ID, status, status date, completion status, if the movement was permanent or not, the date the record was created and the date the record was last updated.


    Click image to enlarge

    Archival Request

    The Archival Request option will bring you to a search page which will allow you to search for requests based on their request ID, borrower, archival description, item reference, pickup location, pickup date, location placed, status, status date, completion status, if the item has been moved or not, the movement status of the item, the staff member whomst the request is assigned to, the date the item record was created and the date the record was last updated.


    Click image to enlarge


    The Operations option will allow you to search for archival tasks by their type, status, date created and date last updated.