Spydus Help
Maintenance / Circulation maintenance / Borrower archiving / Set up borrower archiving parameters
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    Set up borrower archiving parameters
    In This Topic

    To set up the borrower archiving parameters:

    1. From the Module Menu select Maintenance, Circulation, Utilities and then Borrower Archiving.
    2. Set up the parameters you want (see below for details).
    3. Click Save Settings to save the parameters to an xml file.

    Schedule borrower archiving

    After saving the desired archiving parameters to XML, a scheduled task may be configured to perform archiving at a desired interval (e.g. monthly, quarterly).

    Please contact Civica Support for assistance as commissioning is required.  


    You can select the records you want to archive by browsing or Boolean query or SQL statement. Select Global to select records across all institutions. You can click Test Selection for a count of the number of records selected.

    If the selection criteria is institution-specific, e.g. based on category or home location, then the Global checkbox has no effect


    You can select the records you want based on the borrower category or home location.


    You can select borrowers who enrolled before a specified date or who enrolled more than a specified number of days ago. You can select borrowers with a registration expiry date before a specified date or whose registration expired more than a specified number of days ago.

    Outstanding charges, fines and credits

    Select Archive if outstanding charges to archive borrowers with outstanding charges.

    Select Archive if outstanding fines to archive borrowers with outstanding fines.

    Select Archive if outstanding credits to archive borrowers with outstanding credit. If you specify the Maximum credit amount then borrowers with credit greater than this amount will not be archived.

    If you specify a date in Do not archive … then borrowers who have had charges, fines or credits since this date will not be archived. Instead of a specific date you can specify a number of days in or days ago. Borrowers who have had charges, fines or credits within this period will not be archived.

    In the Note you can specify text to appear against charges and/fines that have been waived as part of archiving.


    Select Archive if pending reservations to archive borrower with pending reservations. If you specify the Placed before date then borrowers with pending reservations placed after this date will not be archived. Instead of a date you can specify a number of days in or days ago. Borrowers who have pending reservations placed within this period will not be archived.

    Select Archive if pending requests to archive borrowers with pending requests. If you specify the Placed before date then borrowers with pending requests placed after this date will not be archived. Instead of a date you can specify a number of days in or days ago. Borrowers who have pending requests placed within this period will not be archived.

    Select Archive if items on loan to archive borrowers with current loans. If you specify the Due date before then borrowers with current loans due after this date will not be archived. Instead of a date you can specify a number of days in or days ago. Borrowers who have current loans due within this period will not be archived.

    Select Archive if pending bookings to archive borrowers with pending bookings. If you specify the Placed before date then borrowers with pending bookings placed after this date will not be archived. Instead of a date you can specify a number of days in or days ago. Borrowers who have pending bookings placed within this period will not be archived.

    If you specify a date in Do not archive … then borrowers who have had any activity since this date will not be archived. Instead of a specific date you can specify a number of days in or days ago. Borrowers who have had any activity within this period will not be archived.

    What is activity for the purposes of archiving?

    Activity is:

    • Placing a reservation
    • Making a request
    • Loaning (due date) or returning an item
    • Booking a material
    • Making a comment/review
    • Paying a charge
    • Creating an SDI profile
    • Any public activity, i.e. logged into OPAC, logged into self-service, borrowed/reserved an eBook

    Activity is not:

    • Last time the borrower was validated by staff in Circulation
    • When records are refreshed due to scheduled tasks or record full display. e.g. overdue loans, expired reservations or bookings



    Enter a description for the task.

    Validate mode

    Select Validate mode to test the effect of your changes. No records will be updated. The dialog is initialised with Validate mode selected by default.

    Delete records with no transaction history

    If you select Delete records with no transaction history then borrowers with no transaction history will be deleted rather than deactivated. If you don’t select this checkbox then borrowers with no transaction history will be deactivated.

    Anonymise archived borrowers

    Select Anonymise archived borrowers to anonymise any borrowers that are being archived. The configured Borrower anonymisation parameters will apply.