Spydus Help
Circulation / Brief catalogue entry in Circulation
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    Brief catalogue entry in Circulation
    In This Topic

    You can quickly create a brief bibliographic record using the Brief Catalogue Entry option in Circulation.

    1. From the Module Menu select Circulation, Item and then Brief Catalogue Entry.
    2. Complete as much detail as required — main entry, title details, publication details, etc. Each field in the worksheet will map to the relevant MARC tag in the finished record. For example, the data entered in the Main Entry field will map to the appropriate 1XX tag, Title will be stored as 245 and so on.
    3. Once you have completed all the fields, click Submit Details. The MARC record to be created will be displayed.
    4. A link will indicate if there are matching records in the database, for example:

    Click the link to review the matches and decide if you will create the incoming record.

    1. If this is a new record without a match, click Submit to create the record.

    Linking to authorities

    It is possible to link to authorities in the worksheets for main entries, added entries, subjects and series.
    Enter the details of the authority in the correct format and click Link.


    This will search the database for matching authority records. If no matches are found, an error message will display. You can return to the record and create the heading as a new authority. Remember it will be saved in whatever format you have added it in the worksheet. 


    If there is a match or matches for the authority, a list will display from which you can select the appropriate heading.


    Click the heading, not the (Works) link. Find the heading you want, and click Select.



    Holdings can also be added in the Copy Details area of the worksheet. Select the Location and Collection, and specify a barcode if needed.

    See Also