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Maintenance / General maintenance / Utilities / Bulk change / Examples of bulk change parameters
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    Examples of bulk change parameters
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    Change borrower category

    In this example we'll set up the bulk change parameters to change the category for borrowers below a specified age.

    1. Under Selection, click Retrieve Set to open the search page. Click Circulation and then Borrower, and then search for borrowers with Category ADULT or TEEN, and Date of birth > 30/4/2003.
    2. Under Field, set Format to BRW and Field to BDC.LINK.
    3. Under Change field value to, set Code to JUNIOR and Action to Update field.
    4. Under Process, type something meaningful as the Description, e.g. "Move adults/teens to junior borrower category".

    Change the acquisitions price for items in a specific collection

    In this example we'll set up the bulk change parameters to change the acquisitions price for items in a specific collection.

    1. Under Selection:
      • Set Boolean query to ITMCOLX:NF where "NF" is the collection we want.
      • Set SQL to JOIN ITD ON #TBLID.IRN = ITD.IRN WHERE PRC > 100. So we're searching for items that currently have an acquisitions price greater than "100".
    2. Under Field, set Format to ITM and Field to ITD.PRC.
    3. Under Change field value to, set Value to 49.95 and Action to Update field.
    4. Under Process, type something meaningful as the Description, e.g. "Change acquisitions price for NF items to 49.95".

    Clear residential area for borrowers in a specific category

    In this example we'll set up the bulk change parameters to clear the residential area field for the borrowers in a specific category.

    1. Under Selection, set Boolean query to BRL01\> (BDC< BRWCATX: TEMP) where “TEMP” is the borrower category code we’re interested in.
    2. Under Field, set Format to BRWD and Field to BDZ.CODE.
    3. You can leave all the fields under Current field value must equal at their default values.
    4. Under Change field value to, set Action to Clear field.
    5. Under Process, type something meaningful as the Description, e.g. "Clear contents of residential area for TEMP borrowers".

    Change mobile number

    Previously we'd set the same mobile number for all our borrowers so we could test SMS notices. When we switched to a different mobile number, we wanted to change the old number (let's call it 0123456789) to the new one (let's call it 0987654321) in all our borrowers. Here's how we set up the bulk change parameters to do it.

    1. Under Selection, set Boolean query to DYN:BDT.
    2. Under Field, set Format to BRWD and Field to BDT.NUMBER.
    3. Under Current field value must equal, set SQL to:


    1. Under Change field value to, set Value to 0987654321.
    2. Under Process, type something meaningful as the Description, e.g. "Change mobile numbers to 0987654321".
    If we’d wanted to set ALL mobile numbers (regardless of what the current mobile number was) then we would have omitted AND NUMBER = '0123456789' in step 3
    See Also