Spydus Help
Maintenance / General maintenance / Utilities / Bulk change / Run bulk change as a scheduled task
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    Run bulk change as a scheduled task
    In This Topic

    Typically bulk changes would be run as a scheduled task.

    Set up the bulk change parameters the way you want them, and then click Save Settings to save these settings in an xml file. then set up a Windows scheduled task on the server and pass the name of the xml file as an argument, for example:

    -w1013 -xTSK -yBULKCHANGE -s"C:\temp\bulkchange.xml"

    where -w is the port number, -x identifies this as a task, -y is the name of the task and -s specifies the xml file with your settings.

    If you saved the settings with Validate mode selected then the task will run in validation mode.

    Spydus Managed Services customers should contact the Help Desk in order to add bulk change to the scheduled tasks list.

    See Also