Spydus Help
Cataloguing / Staff Tags / Bulk Update Staff Tags
In This Topic
    Bulk Update Staff Tags
    In This Topic

    This feature requires server version 10.7.1 or higher.  

    To add or remove tags from bibliographic records in bulk:

    1. Navigate to Cataloguing > Other > Bulk Update Staff Tags.
    2. Set the Add or Remove radio button as required.
      • It is only possible to add or remove in a single action - not both.
    3. Click into the Local tags field and select, or enter, the Local tags required to be added or removed.
    4. Click into the Global tags field and select, or enter, the Global tags to be added or removed.
    5. After at least one tag has been entered or selected, the Accession number field, and the Bibliographic Search button will become available.
      • Unlike most interfaces in Spydus, scanning an item's barcode in the Accession number field will apply the change to the bibliographic record, not the item
      • The Bibliographic Search button will load a pop-up search window, defaulting to a Cataloguing - Bibliographic Search form. It is also possible to select a different search form to retrieve the results of a Saved Query or SavedList into the Bulk Update Staff Tags utility. If using a search other than a Bibliographic Search, it is important to ensure that the records returned are in the Bibliographic (BIB) record format.
    6. The table below will show:
      • the IRN of each record attempted to be updated
      • the Action attempted to be taken
      • any Local tags that were selected
      • any Global tags that were selected
      • the Title of each Bibliographic record attempted to be updated
      • the Outcome of the attempt to update
    In both the web-based apps (WBA) and the OPAC, Local tags will be displayed only at the institution where they were added. Global tags will be displayed in all institutions in the consortium.