Spydus Help
Cataloguing / Manage authorities / Check the status of Authority Control processes
In This Topic
    Check the status of Authority Control processes
    In This Topic

    Authority changes may take some time to complete, especially if there are many bibliographic records attached to a particular heading. Changes are therefore run as batch processes or tasks.

    Check current processes

    You can click Check Process when updating a heading to check the progress of the update, for example: 


    Click Check Process to display details.

    The Batch Process Details are refreshed every ten seconds. You can also click Refresh.

    You can click Stop Process if you wish to stop the process, and then click Restart Process to restart it. 


    When you merge or edit a heading, Spydus first creates the new authority, then transfers bibliographic records from the old authority to the new one, and finally deletes the old authority. This means that if the batch process is interrupted or stopped there is no data corruption.

    List current processes

    To list all the Authority Control processes that are currently running:

    1. From the Module Menu select Cataloguing, MARC, Authority Control and then Current Processes.


    From here, you can click the Process hyperlink to display the batch process details.

    If the process is still running, you can click Yes in the Stop column if you wish to stop it.

    Finished processes are automatically deleted from the list of current processes when you exit the page.

    List all Authority Control processes

    You can display a list of all authority control processes — those that have finished as well as those currently running — from Cataloguing or from Enquiry.

    From Cataloguing:

    1. From the Module Menu select Cataloguing, MARC, Authority Control and then Task Search.
    2. Choose your search options, for example, you might search for processes with a specific status or that were created on a specific date.

    From Enquiry:

    1. From the Module Menu select Enquiry, Operations and then Task Search.
    2. Select "Batch Authority Merge" as the Type to search for merge tasks or "Batch Authority Update" as the Type to search for global tasks.
    3. Choose your search options, for example, you might search for processes with a specific status or that were created on a specific date.

    If the process is still running, you can click Yes in the Stop column to stop it.

    If the process has finished, you can click Yes in the Delete column to delete it from the list.