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Maintenance / Cataloguing maintenance / OAI data provider / GetRecord verb
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    GetRecord verb
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    You use the GetRecord verb to get back an individual record.

    Let’s see an example request. To start we need to go to the “base” URL:


    Now we specify the verb — which in this case is GetRecord. So add ?verb=GetRecord to the end of the previous URL to get this:


    Now we’ll specify an identifier. The format for the identifier in Spydus is:


    For example:


    This is the format for the identifier in Spydus. For other data providers the format might be different.

    So add this identifier to the end of the previous URL to get this:

    http://[ServerUrl]/oai/data/oai2_0?verb=GetRecord&identifier= oai:VBAY:brn/1

    Here’s an example response. There is just one format — MARC21slim.xsd.