Spydus Help
Maintenance / Acquisitions maintenance / Funds / Resync description for funds
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    Resync description for funds
    In This Topic

    The heading for each fund is made up of the Fund Control ID plus the description for the value from each lookup table, separated by dashes.

    For example, say the Fund Control ID is 2017FUNDS and we're using the location and collection tables. If the location we've selected has the description "Abbey Library" and the collection has the description "Fiction" then the fund heading will be "2017FUNDS -- Abbey Library -- Fiction".

    You'd typically use Resync Description to update the fund headings if any of the descriptions in the tables are changed after you've already set up your funds, e.g. if you change "Fiction" to "Adult Fiction".

    To resync the headings for the funds under a specific fund control:

    1. From the Module Menu select Maintenance, Acquisitions and then Funds.
    2. Select the fund control you want.
    3. Click Resync Description, and then click Yes at the confirmation prompt.

    This matches the codes from the fund heading against the lookup tables specified by the fund control. If the description for a code in the fund heading is different from the description for that code in the lookup table then we update the description in the heading.

    If we can't find the code in the lookup table then the description will remain unchanged in the fund heading.