Spydus Help
Maintenance / Circulation maintenance / Item status / General / LCF circulation status code (CIS)
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    LCF circulation status code (CIS)
    In This Topic

    Commissioning is required for this feature in server versions earlier than 10.8.2.  

    When an item is requested via an LCF API call, the circulation status code returned may be based on a number of defaults (on loan, lost, missing, etc). The LCF circulation status code (CIS) parameter allows library staff to select which circulation status code will be returned if the selected Item Status is applied to an item in Spydus.

    If the CIS code parameter is null and the status is not an identified default, the 03 (Available) status will be returned. 

    To set the CIS code returned when an item with a particular status is returned:

    1. Navigate to Maintenance > Circulation > Item Status.
    2. Select the status you want from the list.
    3. Click the LCF circulation status code (CIS) parameter field, and select the desired status code from the dropdown list.
    4. Click Save or Save & Close.