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Maintenance / General maintenance / HTML email & slips configurator
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    HTML email & slips configurator
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    HTML email & slips configurator

    To customise the HTML slips, notices and other borrower communications:

    1. From the Module Menu select MaintenanceGeneral > HTML Email & Slips Configurator.
    2. Configure parameters as desired (see below for details).
    3. Click Save or Save & Close.

    On the Communications, Notices, and Events tabs, as well as in the Update section in the Requests tab, there are options for specifying whether to include a salutation, borrower number and borrower name on an email. In the ILL section in the Requests tab, there are options for specifying whether to include a salutation and lender name.

    General tab

    This tab contains shared parameters for Emails and Printed Slips, e.g. font, font size, header, footer, background colour, etc.

    Circulation tab

    This has the parameters for Circulation slips, e.g. whether to show totals on a slip (for loans, reservations, active requests, and so on). It's also where you specify:

    In the Staff, Barcode length to show can be used to specify that only the last few characters from a borrower's barcode is to be printed on a slip. For example, set it to 4 to print only the last four characters from the barcode on a slip. Leave it null or set to 0 to print the full barcode.

    In the Borrower section, a number of modifications can be made to the Allocated Reservations slip:

    Requests tab

    This tab is where content for request emails and notifications are configured. The Update section is for general request emails, and the ILL section for email updates that are specific to inter-library loan statuses.

    Notices tab

    This tab contains the parameters for Circulation email notices, e.g. whether to show overdue fines and processing charges. It's also where you specify the captions and levels for each type of email notice, e.g. overdue loans, lost loans and reservations available.

    HTML SMS Notices

    This feature requires server version 10.5.1 or higher.  

    If using SMS notices that link to full HTML notices, ensure that the SMS first line and SMS last line parameters are commissioned appropriately. For each notice type being used, the SMS body line in that notice's section should also be commissioned.

    The SMS last line will have a link to the HTML notice appended, so it is recommended to compose the line with this in consideration (e.g. "Click here for more information:" "To view full details of this notice, click this link:", etc).

    HTML SMS notices are enabled by default during an upgrade to Spydus 10.5 or later. When switching to the new SMS notices, it is recommended to communicate this change to any borrowers who have opted to receive SMS notices.

    If your library wishes to continue using plain text SMS notices (or to disable HTML SMS notices and return to plain text), please advise your project manager or contact the Civica Service Desk, as commissioning is required.

    Communications tab

    This tab is where the captions for "general" emails are defined (e.g. SavedLists, welcome emails, SDI emails and reset password emails).

    Events tab

    This tab contains details for all Event emails (confirmations, cancellations, reminders etc). To enable or disable event notices, or select specific delivery methods for event notice types, see the Events Notice Parameters.

    SMS notices for Events

    This feature requires server version 10.7.1 or higher.  

    From Spydus 10.7.1 forward, Events notices support SMS delivery. If utilising SMS delivery, ensure that the SMS first line and SMS last line from the top section are set as desired, and that the SMS body line for each notice type being delivered by SMS is set appropriately.

    Open test window

    Click Open Test Window to open a pop-up window containing an example HTML slip. This test window can be used to preview changes after they have been saved.

    Server test

    The Server Test menu can be used to generate example slips and notices.

    As well as the HTML option, there is also the HTML email option. Click this option to receive a prompt to enter an email address. Enter a valid email address then click OK, and example slips or notices will be generated and sent to this address.

    Export and import

    The Export and Import options can be used to Export current page values to an XML file, and to Import a file in the same format.

    This might be used to:

    Load defaults

    The Load Defaults option can be used to restore the all notices and slips parameters to their default (out-of-the-box) values.