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Cataloguing / Manage authorities / About MARC authorities / How names and subjects can be used in authorities
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    How names and subjects can be used in authorities
    In This Topic

    A name may be used as a main, added, subject added or series added entry. For example, “Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870” can be used as a main (100), subject (600) or series (800) entry in a bibliographic record.

    A subject may be used only as a subject added entry. For example, “Australian Literature” can only be used as a subject added entry (650) in a bibliographic record.

    The record use is coded into the 008 field and shown against “codes” in the full display for example:

    Codes: Use as main or added entry : Not appropriate

           Use as subject added entry : Appropriate

           Use as series added entry : Not appropriate