Spydus Help
Enquiry / ILL/Requests Menu / ILL/Requests
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    Staff can search for and cancel interlibrary loan requests and requests placed. Staff can also place requests on behalf of borrowers using the Request for Information option. 

    ILL Requests can be searched by lender, title, status or date, or the ILL number if known.

    Similarly, other requests can be found through the Request Search link.

    These searches can be limited to particular types of requests, by bibliographic title, borrower, status or date.

    Adding a request

    Staff can place requests on behalf of a borrower through Staff Enquiry.

    Select Item Request or Article Request or Request for Information, depending on the type of request required.

    You will be prompted for the borrower number. Scan or type it in, or click the Select button to search for the borrower. Click Submit. 

    Complete as many details of the request as you know. You can change the Procurement method if required. 

    At the end of the form, the mandatory field Pickup Location must be completed for Item Requests.

    Please contact Civica Support for assistance in making this field mandatory for other request types as commissioning is required.

    Click the Place Request button. If the library charges for requests, a screen will display to acknowledge the charges. Staff can change the amount of the charge. Click Continue to complete the request. 

    The request will be allocated a unique request number, then assigned a status of "Pending review".

    From here the Requests module would be used for processing the request and alerting the borrower when it has been actioned.