Spydus Help
Maintenance / Circulation maintenance / Item status / Item status interrelationships
In This Topic
    Item status interrelationships
    In This Topic

    The item statuses that you can set or remove depends on which statuses have already been set against the item. This is defined in the item status interrelationships.

    The item status interrelationships are set up at commissioning, and should not usually be changed except at the direction of Spydus Support Staff.

    Regardless of how the interrelationships are set up, you can only set the following statuses when the item is on loan:

    • CR - Claims returned.
    • I - Indefinite loan.
    • L - Lost.
    • LO - Long overdue.
    • LR - Reported lost.
    • R - recalled.

    To change the item status interrelationships:

    1. From the Module Menu select Maintenance, Circulation and then Item Status.
    2. Select the status you want from the list.
    3. Click the Inter-Relationship tab.
    4. Click in the To set or To remove column for another status, and select "None", "Must be set" or "Must not be set" from the dropdown list.
      To set column: The status you selected in step 2:
      None Can be set whether or not the item already has this other status set.
      Must be set Can only be set if the item already has this other status set.
      Must not be set Can only be set if the item does not already have this other status set.
      To remove column: The status you selected in step 2:
      None Can be removed whether or not the item already has this other status set.
      Must be set Can only be removed if the item already has this other status set.
      Must not be set Can only be removed if the item does not already have this other status set.
    5. Click Save or Save & Close.
    Null means the same as None.