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Enquiry / Operations menu
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    Operations menu
    In This Topic

    Under this menu, staff can search for tasks, do a comment search, get a Link Checker Report, upload records to LibraryThing for Libraries, search for saved lists, search for saved queries, search for staff audits, and view Dashboard database statistics.

    Task search

    Library staff can search for a task by status, e.g. circulation notices with a status of Finished, created Today.

    User search

    Staff can search for users by ID, name, user group, location, etc. Once you've found a user, you'll see links to their transactions, e.g. loans issued, charges waived, orders created, etc.

    Comment search

    Library staff have to approve a pending review before it is available to other OPAC users. This can be done, for example, on a weekly basis as part of the library’s workflow.

    1. Enter your search criteria. For example, we will search for pending reviews that have been created using the search ‘TODAY’ in the Created Date field. This will retrieve all pending reviews that were created before today. 
    2. You can sort, refine or translate the set if you wish.
    3. Click the title you want. 
    4. Do one of the following.
      • To approve the comment simply click Approve Comment. Even after approving a comment, staff can still delete comments at any time. This might be done, for example, if there are too many reviews for a book, and the library wants only the top 5 comments added to the Web.
      • To decline a comment, click Decline Comment, and then click OK. You can enter a reason for declining the review if you wish before clicking OK. Any reason you enter here will be displayed to the borrower who added the review when he/she looks at it.

    SavedList search

    Staff can search for SavedLists by Description, using Keywords, Phrase or Exact Match, by the Code, Date Created, Type (Global or Local), or Staff member who created it. Lists can then be emailed, downloaded, saved or deleted.

    All SavedLists created by staff or OPAC users can be searched through SavedList Search.

    To access only the SavedLists attached to your user account, open the list from the User account login and select View All SavedLists.

    Saved query search

    Saved Queries can be accessed and run through the Saved Query Search.

    Find the saved query you require by its Description, Record number (RNI),  or the date created. You can also narrow the search to only those queries saved by a particular staff user. 

    Run the saved query to see an updated list of results. Alternatively, create an instant report or download as CSV.

    Saved queries can be scheduled (via a Windows task scheduler) to be generated at regular intervals and output in a chosen format, e.g. Monthly, with the CSV report emailed to the Systems Librarian.

    Please contact Civica Support Staff for scheduling reports.

    Staff audit search

    This search might be used to show how many bibliographic records have been created this year or to see the activities of an individual staff member. You can also refine your search by Record Format.

    Staff Audit Search enables staff to see what edits have been made in the Spydus database at a particular time.

    Link checker report

    The Link Checker Report will start a background task to create a static html page containing a list of bibliographic records with URLs from tag 856. (It actually uses data from groups URL and IMG.) The report lists the URL with the BRN and title as the link text.

    Once the task has completed, the report produced can be used with a third party link checker, e.g. Xenu Link Sleuth — which is freely available for download (see http://home.snafu.de/tilman/xenulink.html).

    This provides for checking links in bibliographic records. There are two options:

    LibraryThing file export

    If your library has purchased LibraryThing, Spydus can extract records suitable for uploading which can then be extracted and provided to LibraryThing. The files are saved in MARC format and this file can then be uploaded directly to LibraryThing.

    Please contact your LibraryThing Account Manager for more information regarding the process of uploading records. This cannot be done directly from within Spydus. Only the file extraction can be managed through Spydus.


    The Dashboard option can be used to show circulation statistics, e.g. the number of issues/returns/reservations today, this month, last month, this year, last year and the previous year.

    It provides a snapshot of statistics with links through to the relevant transactions to display further details and also to refine your results. 

    If you click on one of the links you can then refine the results, for example by location or collection. 

    Standard Number Checker Report

    This report allows libraries to query the Standard Numbers in bibliographic records (see below for details), and produce a list of records that either:

    The Standard Numbers queried in this report are:  

    • ISBN,
    • ISSN,
    • ABN RID,
    • LC Control Number,
    • NBN,
    • Standard Technical Number,
    • Other Report Number,
    • Overseas Acquisition Number,
    • Publisher Number,
    • Other Standard Identifier