Spydus Help
Reports / Other useful reports
In This Topic
    Other useful reports
    In This Topic

    Reservations available for allocation

    You might use this report to find items that have been reserved and are available on your library shelves.

    1. From the Module Menu select Circulation, Item and then Available for Allocation.
    2. Set up the search criteria.
    • Typically you’d set the Location to be the current branch.
    • By default, only the collections that allow reservations are selected in the Collection list, i.e. collections with Allow reservations set to Yes.
    • You can use SHIFT+click or CTRL+click to select several locations. Use CTRL+click to deselect a selection.
    • By default, the item statuses that prevent reservations are selected in the Excluding Status list, i.e. statuses with Allow reservations set to No.
    • You can click Clear to remove any changes you’ve made to the search criteria and restore the original settings
    1. Click Submit.
    2. By default the report is sorted by call number. Click Instant Report to generate a printer-friendly version. You can then use this report to find the items in the library, return the items to allocate them, and then set them on the reserve shelf.

    Allocated reservations that have expired

    This report lists the allocated reservations that have expired, i.e. items on the reserve shelf that haven’t been collected within the hold period.

    1. From the Module Menu select Circulation and then Reservation.
    2. Set up the search criteria.
    • Set the Pickup Location to the current branch.
    • Set the Complete Type to “Allocation expired”.
    • Set the Expiry Date to an appropriate date or date range, for example, you might set this to “yesterday”.
    1. Click Submit.
    2. You can then use the report to find the items on the reserve shelf and then return theme to allocate them to the next borrower, return them to their home location, etc.

    Unallocated reservations that have expired

    This report lists the unallocated reservations that have expired, i.e. the item has not been allocated and now the expiry period has passed.

    1. From the Module Menu select Circulation and then Reservation.
    2. Set up the search criteria.
    • Set the Pickup Location to the current branch.
    • Set the Complete Type to “Expired”.
    • Set the Expiry Date to an appropriate date or date range, for example, you might set this to “yesterday”.
    1. Click Submit.