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Maintenance / Circulation maintenance / Circulation general parameters / General parameters for PC Lockout
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    General parameters for PC Lockout
    In This Topic

    To specify the general parameters for PC Lockout:

    1. From the Module Menu select Maintenance, Circulation and then General Parameters.
    2. Set up the Bookings (PC Lockout) parameters you want (see below for details).
    3. Click Save or Save & Close.

    Automatically place booking in PC Lockout

    This specifies whether a booking is automatically created "on the fly" i.e. whether to create a booking if the borrower logs in without having pre-booked a slot.

    Maximum minutes a booking can be extended in PC Lockout

    Setting a time here allows the borrower to extend their own bookings on the PC (if available) to the maximum time specified here.

    The extended time includes the Total number of booking minutes allowed per day.

    PC Lockout session warning period

    This specifies when to display the warning message that the session is coming to an end. For example, if the warning period is set to 300 seconds, then a message will be displayed when there are 5 minutes (i.e. 300 seconds) remaining in the session.

    Total number of booking minutes allowed per day

    Total number of booking minutes a borrower can have in PC Lockout on any one day.

    Validate borrower in PC Lockout

    This specifies whether to check if the borrower trying to log in to PC Lockout has any traps set.