To specify the ranking method for global reservations:
0 | Include all reservations. |
1 | Include only local reservations and global reservations. |
2 | Include only local reservations. |
Here's an example to show how it works. There are seven reservations in the waiting list, and two institutions — EBAY (English Language Base) and VBAY (Bayside Library Service).
Our borrower — Herbert Hughes — has reservation #5, and he’s ranked as 5 of 7. Now let’s login to OPAC as Herbert Hughes.
First we'll set Reservation ranking method in OPAC to “[1] Include only local reservations and global reservations”. This means that reservations #3 and #7 are excluded from the ranking. So Herbert’s reservation is ranked 4 of 5.
Now let's set Reservation ranking method in OPAC to “[2] Include only local reservations”. This means that reservations #3, #4 and #7 are excluded from the ranking, So Herbert’s reservation is ranked 3 of 4.
Null means the same as No. |