Spydus Help
Circulation / Reservations / Bulk change reservation
In This Topic
    Bulk change reservation
    In This Topic

    Bulk Change Reservation allows users to easily update the details of sets of reservation records.

    For libraries that operate as part of a consortium:

    • only reservations from the local institution may be edited in Bulk Change Reservation
    • when setting the Pickup Location, only locations from the local institution may be selected 

    Click image to enlarge

    This feature requires server version 10.8 or higher.  

    To change reservation details:

    1. Navigate to CirculationOther > Bulk Change Reservation
    2. Set the details to be changed;
      • Pickup Location
      • Reservation Hold Date,
        • May be set greater than or equal to today's date, or be cleared
      • Reservation Expiry Date,
        • May be set greater than or equal to today's date, or be cleared
      • Suspended date (Suspended until)

        When at least one detail has been set to be changed, the Search button will become active
    3. Click the Search button.
    4. Use the Reservation Search form to locate the reservation records to be updated.
      • A previously refined set may be retrieved using the Operations > SavedList Search or Saved Query Search. If using a SavedList or Saved Query, ensure that the records being returned are Reservation records (RSV format).
    5. Click Select Set (or click to highlight individual records then click Select Records).
    When retrieving a set, note that records will begin to be updated immediately - there is no additional confirmation step.