Spydus Help
Enquiry / Searching
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    The default Quickfind search option, via the Search Holdings menu, allows you to quickly search anywhere for keywords: for example, title, author or subject. The system will insert the Boolean operator AND between each word. 

    You can narrow your search to just title, author, subject, etc. by choosing the appropriate option from the drop-down list. 


    You can choose to search for keywords, browse, search for a phrase or search for an exact match.

    The Browse option is only available if you choose Title, Author or Subject from the Search Holdings menu. It is not available if you choose Title, Author or Subject from the dropdown list on the Quickfind page.

    For example, if you enter SOUTH Australia as a Keyword search then you'll find records relating to SOUTH AUSTRALIA and NEW SOUTH WALES --AUSTRALIA. However, if you enter SOUTH AUSTRALIA as a Phrase search then you'll only find records relating to SOUTH AUSTRALIA, not those relating to NEW SOUTH WALES --AUSTRALIA.

    In the example shown, FRBR functionality has been enabled. When FRBR is enabled Work and Expression records are created for each Manifestation. By default Staff Enquiry will be set to search for Manifestation records only. If you would like to enable FRBR in your system please contact Civica Support Staff for more information.

    Use the Options to determine how many records are displayed on each page and how they’re sorted.

    You can use the Filter box to control the items you see — you’ll only see the items in the collections that use the selected filter. The filters for each collection are specified in the collection parameters on the Filter tab.

    The keywords you use in your search will be highlighted in red in the bibliographic record.

    We use "relevance" to sort the results of a Quickfind search and when you sort a set. For bibliographic records we sort based on the search terms in the title and main author. and by descending publication date (from the 008 tag). For digital assets we sort based on the search terms in the title and first creator, and by descending document created date. For more detail on how relevancy sorting is applied at the OPAC, please see Relevancy in the Spydus OPAC.

    Fuzzy search

    In a Quickfind search "Anywhere" you'll see a Fuzzy search option. If you choose this option then Spydus will find records containing any of the terms or forms of the terms entered. For example, if you enter the term "drive" then we'll retrieve records if they contain the words "drive", "driving", "driven", "drives" or "drove". This is the same mechanism used when sorting records by relevance ranking.

    By default, the maximum sort threshold is set to 10,000 records. If the set retrieved by the fuzzy search retrieves more than the maximum sort threshold, the sorted set displayed will only contain the maximum number of records to page through and a message will display at the top of the search "Showing first xxx of xxx records found." The entire set can be sorted into a different order (e.g. by title) but, again, only the first xxx records of the sort will be included in the sorted set. The entire retrieved set can still be refined using facets or using the refine search page.

    Date searching

    Throughout Staff Enquiry, dates can be searched in a variety of ways. Spydus also has some additional date search options.

    Single date:                 12 feb 2015 or 12/02/2015

    Month:                         feb 2015

    Year:                             2015

    Date range:                   01/01/2015 – 31/12/2015

    After or before date:    > 22/03/2015 OR < 22/03/2015

    Additional options:       today, yesterday, thismonth, lastmonth, thisyear, lastyear

    These options can also be incremented or decremented, so the month before last is thismonth(-2), whereas next month is thismonth(1). Last week would be today(-7), the last fortnight would be today(-14).

    Any date searching in Staff Enquiry will use these methods.

    Date searching in the OPAC will use the same formats, except for the additional options.

    Current user

    In search forms where Spydus users can be queried, the term #CURRENTUSER may be used to return records related to the user currently logged in to Spydus.


    Click image to enlarge

    Did you mean?

    If an incorrect or misspelled word is typed into the search box, an alternative word is suggested for the user. For example, type in ‘faily’ and the suggested word retrieved is ‘family’. 



    The auto-complete feature is available in the Quickfind search page. Spydus will display a list of ten possible matches which complete the search term stem as it is being typed. 


    Searching by accession number

    One of the access points on the Quickfind menu is Accession number.

    If you use the Accession number access point from the Quickfind menu you’ll go directly to the bibliographic record rather than the item. 


    When you use the Accession number access point from the Circulation > Item Search menu you’ll go to the item, and you’ll then need to click the Title link to get to the bibliographic record.

    Brief display

    The “brief display” provides a list of results that meet the search criteria and from here you can sort or refine the list, save results records or access locations/collections etc.

    Click any of the links in the holdings to display a particular set of details e.g. click the link in the Collection column to display details of a particular collection. 



    Click on the button for “Translate Set” to open a new list of records.

    Expanding or narrowing searching across a consortium

    This feature requires server version 10.7.1 or higher.  

    When operating as a consortium (or multi-institutional library), at varying times it may be desired to search either local resources only, or global resources only. From Spydus 10.7, it is possible to enable a link at the Brief Display of searches in the Enquiry module to either Try this search in the Network Catalogue (from a local search), or to Try this search in the Local Catalogue (from a global search).

    Please contact Civica Support for assistance as commissioning is required.  



    The search results pages, brief or full display, will include Facets to assist with refining the search to reduce the quantity of records in the results.

    The facets are grouped into types such as format, audience, or publication date. Clicking on one of the links will refresh the search page and display only those results from the original search that meet the additional criteria.

    Each facet shows the total records (from within the search results) that meet the particular criteria. 

    As an example: clicking on the link for Children in the Audience facet for the search above will produce a brief display results page with 24 title records (reduced from the 135 records found in the original search). 

    The box Your Current Search will display the refine options used and provide the opportunity to remove any of them by clicking on the X

    We exclude the numbering in the $v subfield of the untraced series statement (the 490 field) from the Series facets. For example, "Penguin classics ; 6" would appear in the facets as "Penguin classics".

    The facets to display, the order of display, the number of entries to display for each facet, etc. are set up in the facet parameters.

    Saved queries

    Saving a query

    To save a query:

    Search for something e.g. this search is for items with Easter as a keyword and then refined to audience of children.


    Click Save Query and Type a description for the saved query, and then click OK.


    From here you can create an Instant Report or download the results in a csv file. You can see examples below

    Searching for saved queries

    To search for a saved query:

    Click Saved Query Search on the Operations menu.

    Enter the criteria for your search, and click OK

    Click to select the query you want.


    Running a saved query

    Select Run Saved Query to run the search again and retrieve an up to date results list.

    Instant Report

    Select Instant Report to create a report of your search results which can be saved to a file.

    A background task will run to create the report.


    Once the task has finished, you can click the Static HTML link to show the report or right-click the link to save the report to a file.

    The format of the report will depend on the type of record retrieved. For example, an item report will display different headings to a borrower report.

    Download (CSV)

    Select Download (CSV) to create a csv file of the query results, which will be suitable for import into a spreadsheet.

    A background task will run to create the file.

     Once the task has finished, you can right-click the SavedList File link to save the file.

    Saved queries can be scheduled (via a Windows task scheduler) to be generated at regular intervals and by a chosen output format, e.g. Monthly.

    Please contact Civica Support staff to create scheduled tasks for saved queries.

    Full display - bibliographic record

    In the results set or brief display click on a title link to open the full record.


    In this example you can see there are further links from here to the Personal Author, Copies, All issuable items, Loans and Subjects. In this example, there is one copy and one issuable item i.e. the one copy of this item can be issued.

    There are options at the top of the Full Display page for actions on the open record.


    Navigation options are included on the top of each page, in addition to the menus and facets along the sides.




    Print set

    The Print Set option provides a printer-friendly version of your record set / results list. The link to print is a button next to the Google and Trove buttons in the brief and full display pages.

    Select the printer icon to open a new window/tab with a message that an HTML page is being created. 

    After the page has been created a Status and Started/Finished details will be displayed, along with a link to the Static HTML page created by the task.

    The Static HTML page will display the search results in a printer friendly format. From here you can print or save the results using your browser settings.