Spydus Help
Enquiry / Set Suppression
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    Set Suppression
    In This Topic

    The Set Suppression feature allows users to suppress the display of a title from the OPAC for a specified period of time.

    This feature requires server version 10.5.1 or higher.

    To suppress a title; 

    1. Perform a Bibliographic search for the required title (Enquiry > Cataloguing > Bibliographic Search).
    2. Click through to the Full Display of the bibliographic record, or select a single bibliographic record by clicking the checkbox (suppression cannot currently be applied to multiple titles at once).
    3. Click the Set Suppression button in the action bar.
    4. Select the Suppression From date and time:

      Setting the Until date and time is optional. The suppression will begin soon after being set (it may take some time to remove the title if there are a large number of items linked to it).
    5. The OPAC Suppression From and Until date and time will be shown on the Full Display of the bibliographic record.
    6. Suppression of a title can be extended or shortened by clicking the Change Suppression option in the action bar, or removed by clicking the Clear Suppression option in the action bar.

    The removal of suppression is performed by a scheduled task that is usually run once per day. Therefore, the next time that the scheduled task runs after the suppression end date/time is when the suppression will be lifted.

    e.g. If the Suppress until time is 9:30am, and the task runs at 10:00am, the suppression will be lifted at 10:00am. If the suppression is scheduled to end after the task has run for the day, then the suppression will not be lifted until the next task run (i.e the following day).

    Please contact Civica Support for assistance as commissioning is required.  

    Identifying suppressed records

    Bibliographic records that have been suppressed from OPAC display may be identified with a number of boolean dictionary terms:

    BIBSUPPEDTE - Suppression end date

    BIBSUPPSDTE - Suppression start date

    BIBSUPPSETDTE - Suppression set date