Spydus Help
Factsheets / SpydusAPI
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    What is the SpydusAPI?

    Civica has developed the SpydusAPI. It is a RESTful HTTP Web API service that allows third party vendors to create/integrate into staff applications and patron driven self-service software for interoperating with Spydus.

    Within the SpydusAPI, we have access to several modules. Currently the following API Modules exist:

    We will continue to add new modules and functionality to existing modules.

    The LCF and Events API modules are the most complete. Circulation and Public includes limited functionality. Details of what functions are available, can be found at the Swagger interface.

    What is Swagger?

    Swagger is an open source platform that aids in development across the entire API lifecycle, from design and documentation, to test and deployment.

    It is also our main source of documentation on what is available in the SpydusAPI and how to implement it.

    What is LCF?

    The Library Communications Framework (LCF) is a set of library interoperability standards which defines a framework for the communication of data between third party applications and library management systems (Spydus).

    The LCF standard is recommended by BIC (Book Industry Communication) as the best way to implement communications between systems within a library, for example between a Library Management System (LMS/ILS) and an RFID Self-Service Solution.

    Functionality includes but would not be limited to; patron authentication, retrieving patron information, check-out and check-in of items, renewals, reservations and charges.

    Who could use the API?

    Currently the API could be used by a range of third party vendors. Some examples of vendors who would use the API are:

    What are the minimum system requirements for the SpydusAPI?

    The SpydusAPI is available for any Spydus10 customers. The library must be on W10.1.6A or above.

    How do we set up access to the SpydusAPI?

    Once you have purchased the SpydusAPI, Civica will turn on the API Manager in the Maintenance module. To give the vendors access to the available functions, use the API Manager to specify permissions and to generate a customer key.

    How is this API different from the Spydus eResources APIs?

    Spydus currently has eResource APIs from Axis 360, BorrowBox, cloudLibrary, OverDrive, and Wheelers. We use APIs from these vendors to integrate functionality into the Spydus OPAC for customers. These APIs are not developed by Civica, instead we integrate them into Spydus.

    The SpydusAPI is developed by Civica, and is made available to third party vendors to integrate Spydus functionality into their applications.


    Where can I find more information about the SpydusAPI?

    More information on the API can be found at the Swagger documentation page. If you have any other questions about the SpydusAPI please contact your Civica Account Manager.