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    Thesaurus mapping for authorities
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    The following table indicates the code used in the 008 of the authority record for each thesaurus supported.

    Thesaurus Bib. 6XX 2nd Indicator Auth. 008 code 655 §2
    Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) 0 a lcsh
    LC subject headings for children's literature 1 b lcshcl
    Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) 2 c mesh
    National Agricultural Library subject authority file 3 d nalsaf
    Canadian Subject Headings 5 k cshnlc
    Art and Architecture Thesaurus 7 §2 = aat r aat
    Sears List of Subject Headings 7 §2 = sears s sears
    Répertoire de vedettes-matière 6 v rvmnlc
    Other 4 or 7 z other
    For 665 - Index form - genre/term, the second indicator is 7 and the thesaurus is listed in §2.