Spydus Help
Maintenance / Circulation maintenance / Weeding maintenance / Weeding List Profiles
In This Topic
    Weeding List Profiles
    In This Topic

    This feature requires server version 10.5.1 or higher.  

    Weeding is defined as "the systematic removal of resources from a library based on selected criteria". As such, we need to first specify the criteria that a library requires items should or must meet in order to be weeded (or to be excluded from weeding).

    Add a new Weeding List Profile

    To create a new Weeding List Profile:

    1. Navigate to Maintenance > Circulation > Weeding List Profiles.
    2. Click New.
      • Enter a unique ID for the new profile.
      • Enter a Description.
    3. Optional: Select an Item Status that must be applied for items to match the profile.
    4. Optional: Check the Add item to list if no criteria matched option
      • This option would generally be used when weeding manually, rather than weeding items that match a profile or criteria
    5. In the Criteria section, click Add.
      • Included items - A Saved Query may be linked to a profile. If a user attempts to add items to the list that do not match the query, those items will be excluded by default, and an alert displayed.               
        • If linking a Saved Query, ensure that the records being returned by the query are Item records
      • Alerts section
        • Items - A Saved Query may be linked to produce an alert if items that would otherwise be included match specific criteria
        • Newer than - An alert will be produced if an item is newer than the specified age
        • Older than - An alert will be produced if the item is older than the specified age
        • Browse count - An alert will be produced if the browse count of an item is greater than x over y period
        • Loan count - An alert will be produced if an item has been loaned more than x times over y period
        • Last loan - An alert will be produced if the last time an item was loaned is less than the specified period
        • Current holdings in - An alert will be produced if there are less than x holdings at the chosen level (Branch, Institution, or Global)
    6. Click OK. Click Save or Save & Close.

    Additional profile Criteria

    A single Weeding List Profile may have multiple Criteria. To Add more Criteria to a profile:

    1. Select the Profile from the list.
    2. Click the relevant row in the Criteria section.
    3. Click Add. Configure the Criteria as outlined above.
    4. Click Save or Save & Close.

    Edit or delete profile Criteria

    To Edit or Delete an existing Profile Criteria:

    1. Select the Profile from the list.
    2. Click the relevant row in the Criteria section.
    3. Click Edit, or Delete, as required.
    4. Click Save or Save & Close.