Spydus Help
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    Welcome to Spydus Help
    In This Topic

    Welcome to the Spydus Help.

    Spydus Help is a web-based help system which enables you to search for information in a variety of ways including by module, by topic, or by keyword.

    In a search you can combine keywords using OR and AND.

    Look for Will find topics that contain
    maximum renewals the word "maximum" or the word "renewals"
    maximum and renewals the word "maximum" and the word "renewals"

    We’ve tried to make the help as intuitive as possible, and have included as much information as we can, but it’s a work in progress. We'll be adding more topics over the coming weeks and months, and updating existing topics. You can check back here to see the new topics we have added.

    You'll see a red tick  against the topics that are new or that have changed in the latest version of the help.