Spydus Help
Reports / Serials summary report
In This Topic
    Serials summary report
    In This Topic

    Use the serials summary to report on the number of subscriptions, standing orders, donations and memberships within a specified period. To generate the report:

    1. From the Module Menu select Reports, Acquisitions and then Serials  Summary.
    2. Set a From date and To date.

    If you wish you can select how the results are to be grouped.

    If you wish you can choose to report on specific collections and/or specific item material types and/or specific languages and/or specific locations and/or specific order types.

    1. Click Preview.

    In this example we've grouped by order type.


    Current for specified period

    Shows the results for serials that:

    • Started and ended in the specified period, and 
    • Started in the specified period and have no end date, e.g. standing orders.

    Started for specified period

    Shows the results for serials with a start date in the specified period.

    Ended for specified period

    Shows the results for serials with an end date in the specified period.

    Titles and orders can be present in multiple sort criteria and so may be counted multiple times. For example a serial may be counted under Current for specified period and Started for specified period.

    See Also