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Maintenance / Circulation maintenance / Borrower categories / Debarral for borrower categories
In This Topic
    Debarral for borrower categories
    In This Topic
    Select the checkbox to the left of a parameter to inherit the setting from the default borrower category. Clear this checkbox if you want to change the setting for the selected borrower category. You can also click Inherit All and Inherit None to inherit or disinherit the settings for all parameters.

    To specify when a borrower is debarred and when debarral is lifted:

    1. From the Module Menu select Maintenance, Circulation and then Borrower Categories
    2. Select the category from the list.
    3. On the Debarral tab, set the parameters you want (see below for details)  
    4. Click Save or Save & Close.

    Additional debar period

    An additional debarral period to be applied after the conditions for lifting debarral have been met.

    In the example below we’ve set up the parameters so that borrowers are debarred when they have long overdue items or lost loans. We’ve specified that debarral can be lifted when they have no long overdue items or lost loans, and that an additional debar period of 7 days is to be applied.

    Additional debar period 7 days
    Debar amount
    Debar when items long overdue Yes
    Debar when lost items Yes
    Debarral demerits
    Debarral points
    Retain debarral
    Retain debarral if demerits No
    Retain debarral if fines No
    Retain debarral if long overdue items Yes
    Retain debarral if lost loans Yes
    Retain debarral if overdue loans No

    So, say that a debarred borrower returns the last of his/her long overdue items and lost loans on 15 June. The debarral lift date will then be set to 22 June, i.e. 15 June plus the Additional debar period.

    Debar amount

    Borrowers will be debarred when they accrue this amount in overdue of fines (and charges if they have been flagged to be included). In the example below we’ve used the Debar amount to debar borrowers when accrue $50.00 in fines is accrued. Debarral will be automatically lifted when the amount owing is reduced below the debar amount.

    Additional debar period
    Debar amount $50.00
    Debar when items long overdue No
    Debar when lost items No
    Debarral demerits
    Debarral points
    Retain debarral
    Retain debarral if demerits No
    Retain debarral if fines Yes
    Retain debarral if long overdue items No
    Retain debarral if lost loans No
    Retain debarral if overdue loans No

    Debar when items long overdue

    Set this to Yes and borrowers will be debarred when they have a long overdue item.

    Debar when lost items

    Set this to Yes and borrowers will be debarred when they have a lost item.

    Debarral demerits

    Borrowers will be debarred when they accrue this number of demerits.

    Debarral points

    Borrowers will be debarred when they accrue this number of points.

    Include charges of type "charges" in debarral amount

     Set this to Yes if "charges" as well as "fines" are to be included in the calculation of the debarral amount.

    Retain debarral

    Debarral can be automatically lifted when certain criteria are met. The Retain debarral parameters specify when it can be lifted. 

    Retain debarral if ... Set to Debarral will NOT be lifted...
    Demerits Yes If the borrower has outstanding demerits.
    Fines Yes If the borrower has outstanding fines.
    Long overdue items Yes If the borrower has any long overdue items. The Long overdue period is specified in the loan policy.
    Lost loans Yes If the borrower has any lost loans. The Lost period is specified in the loan policy.
    Overdue items Yes If the borrower has any overdue items.

    Charge amounts

    Select Inherit from default to inherit the settings from the default borrower category. Clear this option if you want to add, edit or delete the settings for the selected borrower category.

    Specifies any additional debar periods and/or fines to be applied. In the example below we’ve specified that if the borrower accrues $100 in fines then an additional fine of $20 is applied, and the additional debar period is 28 days. If the borrower accrues $200 in fines then an additional fine of $50 is applied and the additional debar period is then 60 days rather than 28.

    Debar amount Add. debar period Add. fine
    $100.00 28 $20.00
    $200.00 60 $50.00

    Demerit levels

    Select Inherit from default to inherit the settings from the default borrower category. Clear this option if you want to add, edit or delete the settings for the selected borrower category.

    Specifies any additional debar period to be applied. In the example below we’ve specified that if the borrower accrues 20 demerits then the additional debar period is 28 days, and if he/she accrues 30 demerits then the additional debar period is 60 days.

    Demerits Add. debar period
    20 28
    30 60