Spydus Help
Maintenance / Circulation maintenance / Borrower categories
In This Topic
    Borrower categories
    In This Topic

    Borrower categories are used to define the lending rules for each category of borrower (adults, children, students, staff members, and so on).

    Since the borrower category is included as part of the loan policy, borrower categories should be created before loan polices.

    First the default borrower category is set up. This defines the standard parameters for most borrowers.

    Then the valid categories for each type of borrower are set up. Only the parameters different from those in the default borrower category need to be specified in the valid categories. You can simply inherit the common parameters from the default. This simplifies maintenance since the common parameters need be specified only once in the default rather than in each category.

    You can have as many borrower categories as you like, but generally the fewer you have the better.

    Add borrower categories

    Delete or suspend borrower categories

    Details for borrower categories

    Invoices for borrower categories

    Charges for borrower categories

    Notice settings for borrower categories

    Debarral for borrower categories

    Category quota borrower categories

    Membership for borrower categories