Spydus Help
Acquisitions / Cancel orders
In This Topic
    Cancel orders
    In This Topic

    An order can only be cancelled if it has a "Confirmed" status, and doesn't have any invoices or receipts linked to it.

    If you select multiple orders and some of those order cannot be cancelled, e.g. if they are not confirmed, you'll see a message listing the orders that cannot be cancelled and asking if you wish to proceed with the cancellation of the others.

    Cancelling multiple orders will still generate a single notice per order.

    If you place a reservation against the order in Acquisitions then that reservation will be cancelled automatically if the order is cancelled. If you place a reservation against a title that’s on order — e.g. via OPAC or staff Enquiry or Circulation — then that reservation will NOT be cancelled automatically if the order is cancelled.

    You might want to cancel an order because it is no longer required or if it has been cancelled by the requestor. Or perhaps after the order has been confirmed and the PO dispatched, the vendor advises you that the item is no longer available for purchase.

    Cancel orders from the Order List

    To cancel orders from the Order List:

    1. Add the orders to the Order List, and select the ones you want.
    2. Click Cancel or right-click and click Cancel.
    3. Click Yes at the confirmation prompt.
    4. You'll then be prompted whether to send a cancellation notice to the vendor. Select a reason for the cancellation, select the delivery method for the vendor or vendors, add a note if you wish and then click OK to send the notice. Or simply click Cancel if you don't want to send a notice.

    Cancel orders from the Purchase Order List

    To cancel orders from the Purchase Order List:

    1. Add the PO or POs to the Purchase Order List, and select the ones you want.
    2. Click Cancel or right-click and click Cancel.
    3. Click Yes at the confirmation prompt.
    4. You'll then be prompted whether to send a cancellation notice to the vendor. Select a reason for the cancellation, select the delivery method for the vendor or vendors, add a note if you wish and then click OK to send the notice. Or simply click Cancel if you don't want to send a notice.