This shows the number of bookings placed, cancelled, rejected, checked in and expired within a specified period, the total booking time and the average session time.
If you wish you can select how the results are to be grouped.
If you wish you can choose to report on specific borrower categories and/or specific borrower locations and/or specific collections and/or specific item locations.
In the example below we've grouped the results by borrower category.
The number of bookings with a complete type of “cancelled” and a completion date within the specified period.
The number of bookings with a complete type of "not approved at confirmation" and a completion date within the specified period.
Checked in
The number of bookings with a complete type of "checked in" and a completion date within the specified period.
The number of incomplete bookings with a start date within the selected period, i.e. ones that are currently issued, currently checked out or that haven't started yet.
The number of bookings with a complete type of "past" and a completion date within the specified period.
The number of bookings with a complete type of "unavailable" and a completion date within the specified period.
The number of bookings with a complete type of “expired” and an expiry date within the specified period.
Booking time
The total booking time.
Avg. session time
The average session time, i.e. the total booking time divided by the total number of bookings.
The total number of bookings with a start date within the specified period.