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Reports / Top titles report
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    Top titles report
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    This report lists the titles that were issued during a specified period. The titles are listed according to the number of times they’ve been issued. The report shows the title, author and number of loans.

    1. From the Module Menu select Reports, Circulation, Loans and then Top Titles.
    2. Set a From date and To date.
    • The Maximum row in set value may be used to limit the total rows in the result set, with a couple of limitations
      • The lowest value a user may set for the Maximum row in set value is 200. If a lower value is selected, the internal default is 200.
        • The only circumstance where less than 200 rows may be returned is if the total set size is less than 200 rows
      • The upper limit for the Maximum row in set value is 1000, regardless of the set size i.e. If a result set is over 1000 rows, only the top 1000 can be displayed. 
    • If you wish you can select how the results are to be grouped.
    • If you wish you can choose to report on specific borrower categories and/or specific collections and/or specific issue locations.
    1. Click Preview to generate the report.

    In this example we've grouped the results by collection.

    See Also