Spydus Help
Maintenance / Circulation maintenance / Collections / Details for collections / Depreciation
In This Topic
    In This Topic
    Select the checkbox to the left of a parameter to inherit the setting from the parent collection. Clear this checkbox if you want to change the setting for the selected collection. You can also click Inherit All and Inherit None to inherit or disinherit the settings for all parameters.

    To set up depreciation for a collection:

    1. From the Module Menu select Maintenance, Circulation and then Collections.
    2. Select the collection you want from the list.
    3. On the General tab, set up the Depreciation parameters you want (see below for details).
    4. Click Save or Save & Close

    Is depreciation active

    Specifies whether to depreciate the value of items in the selected collection.

    Null means the same as No.  

    Minimum depreciated value

    The minimum depreciated value for an item in the selected collection.

    Depreciation is used with items that have a Date acquired, and a Retail price or an Acquired price. Depreciation is not used with the Average price for the collection.

    Depreciation will always round to the nearest dollar.

    For example, say an item was acquired on 30/5/14 and the current date is 6/5/16, i.e. the item is 2 years old. We’ll say the retail value is $25.00, and the Yearly depreciation rate is 10%.

    If we set a lost status against the item on 6/5/16, then the value to charge the borrower is calculated as $25.00 - ($25.00 * 10% * 2 years) = $20.00.

    If an item was acquired less than a year ago, Spydus will not apply any depreciation, and the item's price will be used.

    Yearly depreciation rate

    This rate is used to calculate the depreciation for items in the selected collection. When we calculate the depreciation we use month and year. For example, if the item was acquired on 30/5/14 and the current date is 6/5/16 then we would say that the item is 2 years old.