Spydus Help
Maintenance / Circulation maintenance / Collections / Details for collections
In This Topic
    Details for collections
    In This Topic

    As of Spydus server version 10.6.1, the Collections Details tab has been split into two separate tabs;

    • Details - containing the Suspend option, and the Current ID and Global ID sections, and
    • General - containing the Collection parameters
    As of Spydus server version 10.6.1, the below parameters are listed on the General tab.

    Bookings parameters

    Parameters that control Bookings slots for the selected Collection.

    Charges parameters

    Maximum overdue and demerit parameters for the selected Collection.

    Depreciation parameters

    Depreciation value and rate for Items in the selected Collection.

    General parameters

    General parameters that control the behaviour of the selected Collection and the Items  contained within it.

    Item Tracking parameters

    Parameters that control the automatic application of Item Statuses at various times, and parameters related to those statuses.