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Electronic Resource Management (ERM) / ERM - Online Resources and Contracts / Adding or editing Contracts
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    Adding or editing Contracts
    In This Topic

    To add details of a Contract:

    1. From the Module Menu select ERM, New and then Contract.

    To edit details of a Contract:

    1. From the Module Menu select ERM, Search page and then Contract.
    2. Search and find the contract you want. At the Full Display, click Edit Record.


    The  statuses are set up and maintained in the ELS lookup table.

    Online Resources

    If the contract is linked to an online resource then you'll see an Online Resources group. You can click this link to edit the online resource. Click Add an Online Resource if you want to add a new online resource and link it to the selected contract.



    Under Licence you can enter the type of licence, its status, terms, URL, notes, etc. The licence types are set up and maintained in the ELT lookup table.



    Under Subscription you can enter start date, expiry date, order reference, vendor reference, price, etc.



    Under Attachments you'll see any files attached to the contract. Click Add to add a new attachment, or select one of the attachments and click Edit or Delete or Download.


    Under URL you can specify the URL, link text and any notes. You'll see this URL in the Full Display of the contract.


    Linking Contracts to Acquisitions Orders

    Contracts can be linked with Orders via the Acquisitions module when creating an order of the relevant Order type. Two appropriate Order types were  introduced for this purpose:

    These Order types can be added via Order processing parameters.

    An Order may be linked to an existing Contract, or a new Contract stub may be created during the order process. The details of the new Contract will then need to be filled out via the ERM module.

    Rather than being checked in like a bibliographic order, ERM-linked orders will activate the contact once confirmed.