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Cataloguing / Manage authorities / Edit authorities using Authority Control / Edit an authority using Authority Control
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    Edit an authority using Authority Control
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    In most cases you would only change one authority heading at a time. To do this click the Heading hyperlink. In this topic we’ll edit an authority heading to add a fuller form of the name.

    1. From the Module Menu select Cataloguing, MARC, Authority Control and then Authority Search.
    2. Search and find the authority record you want.

    1.  Click the Heading hyperlink to display the MARC record.

    1. Click Edit Heading to display the Authority Change page.

    1. Type or paste the fuller form of the authority.

    If you're merging similar headings you can click Select to find the authority you want.


    Then click Select at the Full or MARC Display.

    You can click Test Update to see what the effects of the change will be.

    If you want, you can click Reset Record to undo any changes you’ve made.

    1. Click Update Record to update the database with the changed authority heading.

    You can click Check Process to see details of the batch process. Click here for more information.

    If you return to the headings list you'll see that the original heading has been deleted.