Spydus Help
Cataloguing / Add and edit holdings / Item maintenance / Item maintenance - Digital tab
In This Topic
    Item maintenance - Digital tab
    In This Topic

    You can use the fields on this tab to link to digital objects. These can be:

    To create a Digital Asset stored in the Electronic Resources Module (ERM);

    • Click Insert and then Insert Item.
    • Select a Location and Collection for the new item.
    • Click the Digital tab.
    • Select the Digital item option, and then select Digital Asset radio button.

    To Upload a new file;

    1. Click Upload to open the file browse dialog.
    2. Navigate to the location of the desire file and double-click it to select for upload.
    3. Wait for Spydus to upload the file and create the record details.
    4. Review and update the file details and tags.
    5. Click Save & Close.
    6. Click Save at the Item Maintenance interface.

    To Link to an existing Digital Asset in ERM; 

    1. Click Link.
    2. Use the ERM - Digital Asset Search form to locate the desired Digital Asset record.
    3. At the Full Display of the desired record, click the Select Record button. 
    4. Click Save or Save & Close.

    To link to a Spydus Online Resource record; 

    1. Click Insert and then Insert Item.
    2. Select a Location and Collection for the new item.
    3. Click the Digital tab.
    4. Select the Digital item option, then the Online Resource (External) radio button.    
    5. Click the Link radio button.
    6. Use the ERM - Online Resource Search form to retrieve the record.
    7. At the record Full Display, click Select Record.
    8. Click Save or Save & Close.

     To link to an Online Resource (External);

    1. Click Insert and then Insert Item.
    2. Select a Location and Collection for the new item.
    3. Click the Digital tab.
    4. Select the Digital item option, then the Online Resource radio button.
    5. Enter the URL to the resource.
    6. Enter the Link text to be displayed in the OPAC.
    7. (Optional) Enter the URL to the related Image.
    8. Pick a File type from the drop-down.
    9. (Optional) Enter a descriptive Note.
    10. Click Save or Save & Close.

    To add the details of an eResource accessed via a supported Download Provider's API;

    1. Click Insert and then Insert Item.
    2. Select a Location and Collection for the new item.
    3. Click the Digital tab.
    4. Select the Digital item option, then the Download Provider radio button.
    5. Select the Download provider from the dropdown menu.
    6. Enter the Download product ID.
    7. Enter the Thumbnail URL.
    8. Select the Download type from the dropdown.
    9. Click Save or Save & Close.

    Currently supported Download Providers are:

    • Cloud Library (3M)
    • Axis360
    • BorrowBox (Bolinda)
    • OneClick (Zinio)
    • Overdrive
    • RBDigital (Zinio)
    • Wheelers