Spydus Help
Cataloguing / Add and edit holdings / Item maintenance
In This Topic
    Item maintenance
    In This Topic

    To open item maintenance

    Here are some different ways to open item maintenance for an existing bibliographic record.

    In Enquiry:

    1. From the Module Menu select Enquiry, Circulation, Item and Item Search.
    2. Find the record you want to edit, and click Edit Item at the Full Display. The particular item you selected will be highlighted by default.


    1. From the Module Menu select Enquiry, Circulation, Search Holdings and Title.
    2. Find the bibliographic record you want to edit, and click Edit Holdings at the Full Display.

    In Circulation:

    1. From the Module Menu select Circulation, and type or scan the item barcode in the Quickfind box.
    2. Click Edit Item at the Full Display. The particular item you selected will be highlighted by default.


    1. From the Module Menu select Circulation, leave the Quickfind box empty, select "Bibliographic" as the type of search, and click the magnifying glass to open the advanced search form.
    2. Find the bibliographic record you want to edit, and click Edit Holdings at the Full Display.


    1. From the Module Menu select Circulation, Search Pages, Item and then Item Search.
    2. Click Edit Item at the Full Display. The particular item you selected will be highlighted by default.

    In Cataloguing:

    1. From the Module Menu select Cataloguing, Search Pages, and select the search option you want.
    2. Find the bibliographic record you want to edit, and click Edit Holdings at the Full Display.
    A red asterisk in the treeview shows items that haven't been received. This might be the case for items created from orders in Acquisitions.

    Edit holdings

    To edit the holdings:

    1. Click the title in the left pane to show the View Bib Record tab.
    2. Click an item in the left pane to show the DetailsDetails 2Holdings Summary, View Item Record, Digital and Other tabs for the selected item.
    3. Make your changes.
    4. Click Save or Save & Close.

    Insert a new item

    To insert a new item under a title or group:

    1. Do one of the following.
      • Click to select the title or group you want, and then click Insert Item on the Insert menu.
      • Right-click the title or group you want, and then click Insert Item.
    2. Add details of the new item.

    To insert a new item at the same level as another:

    1. Do one of the following.
      • Click to select an item and then click Insert Next Item.
      • Right-click an item and click Insert Next Item.
    2. Add details of the new item.

    Insert a new non-physical item

    Non-physical items allow libraries to filter records that do not have actual holdings. Spydus filters operate at the item level. If there is no item attached to a bibliographic record, that record cannot be filtered.

    Non-physical items could be used in the case where you have a subscription to an online database that only applies to a particular institution of the library, or to a particular branch. You might not wish patrons from other institutions or branches to have access to the record.

    Non-physical items do not need to be accessioned, and do not need to have a location. However they do require a collection (since you use the collection to determine the catalogue filter).

    You might want to specify a location as well as a collection, e.g. if you only want patrons at a particular branch to have access to the record.

    For a Web database subscription, you may wish to specify a URL.

    To insert a new non-physical item:

    1. Click the title or group you want to insert the new non physical item under.
    2. Click Insert Non-Physical Item on the Insert menu.
    3. Add details of the new item.

    Copy or move an item

    To copy an item:

    1. Do one of the following.
      • Click to select the item you want, and then click Copy Item on the Edit menu.
      • Right-click the item you want, and then click Copy Item.
    2. Do one of the following.
      • Click the title or group you want to copy the item to, and then click Paste Item on the Edit menu.
      • Right-click the title or group you want to copy the item to, and then click Paste Item.

    To move an item:

    1. Do one of the following.
      • Click to select the item you want, and then click Cut Item on the Edit menu.
      • Right-click the item you want, and then click Cut Item.
    2. Do one of the following.
      • Click the title or group you want to copy the item to, and then click Paste Item on the Edit menu.
      • Right-click the title or group you want to copy the item to, and then click Paste Item.

    The accession number is not copied.

    Delete an item

    To delete an item:

    1. Do one of the following.
      • Click to select the item you want, and then click Delete Item on the Edit menu.
      • Right-click an item and then click Delete Item.
    2. Click Yes at the confirmation prompt.

    About deleted items

    For statistical and data integrity reasons once an item has been received it cannot be removed from the database. So when we talk about “deleting” items we really mean “deactivated”, i.e. the item is retained in the database but removed from the active view.

    Deactivated items can still be viewed in the Web display via navigation links, for example from a borrower’s previous loan record, and via Deleted Item Search (from the Module Menu select EnquiryCirculation, Item and then Deleted Item Search).

    Although an item is deactivated, its barcode is still included when confirming barcode uniqueness across the network. Therefore if the barcode of a deactivated item is required for another item it must first be cleared from the deactivated item. To do this:

    1. First “reactivate” the item by returning it at the Circulation Front Desk.
    2. Clear the barcode via item maintenance and apply the change.
    3. Delete the item again.