Spydus Help
Cataloguing / Add and edit holdings / Item maintenance / Item Maintenance - Other tab
In This Topic
    Item Maintenance - Other tab
    In This Topic

    You can use the fields on this tab to specify additional information for the selected item, for example an overriding loan period or a rental charge.

    Day loan period, Day due back and Minute loan period

    These can be used to specify an overriding loan period for the item. The Day due back might typically be used with inter-library loans to specify the date when the item is due back.

    Holdback date

    If you try to issue the item before this date then an alert can be displayed.

    Holdback days can also be specified in the collection.

    Rental charge

    An amount entered here will add a rental charge on this item when it is issued.

    Rental points

    Points entered here will add rental points on this item when it is issued.

    Equipment No and Equipment type

    Enter an equipment number and click on the drop down list to select the equipment type.


    This is where you specify other details for the item. Only some fields are being used at the moment — Age level, Usage level, Material type and Course code.