Spydus Help
Cataloguing / Working with a file of MARC records / Using "modal edit" with a file of MARC records
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    Using "modal edit" with a file of MARC records
    In This Topic

    When you're working with a file of MARC record you can choose to edit records in a "modal edit", i.e., you can only work with one record at a time and you must click OK or Cancel to return to the record list.

    You can access the database while in "modal edit" for authority checking, however you cannot update the database.

    Here's one way to work in "modal edit".

    1. Open a file of MARC records.
    2. Double-click the record you want, and make your changes.
    3. Click OK to save your changes and to go back to the record list.
    When you click OK the record will be validated (you'll see the status change in the record list).

    Here's another way to work in "modal edit".

    1. Open a file of MARC records.
    2. Select the record or records you want.
    3. Click Edit Record(s) on the Tools menu. This displays details of the first record in your selection. Just above the Exit button you'll see a count of the selected records.
    4. From here you can do any of the following:
      • Click Messages to display the validation and load messages for the record.
      • Click Next and Previous to display details of the next or previous record in the selection.
      • Click Edit to open the record in “modal edit”.