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Enquiry / Circulation menu / Add borrower SDI profile in Enquiry
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    Add borrower SDI profile in Enquiry
    In This Topic

    Borrowers are able to add SDI alert profiles to their account via the OPAC. Staff can add SDI profiles to a borrower’s account through Staff Enquiry.

    1. Search for and select the borrower.
    2. Click Add SDI Profile in the Action menu.
    3. Create a search profile by selecting the required search terms and limiting by collection, location, date, language and so on. You can test the search at any time by clicking Search.
    4. Set the frequency to specify how often an SDI alert email should be sent to the borrower. You can also set an expiry date if the borrower only wants to receive the alerts for a particular time frame.
    5. Add a description for the profile — this is a mandatory field — and then click Save.

    The borrower will now be able to see this profile when they login to My Account on the OPAC. Staff will be able to see the profile as a link on the borrower record.