Spydus Help
Maintenance / Acquisitions maintenance / Funds / Add, edit or delete a fund
In This Topic
    Add, edit or delete a fund
    In This Topic

    Add a new fund

    To add a new fund:

    1. From the Module Menu select Maintenance, Acquisitions and then Funds.
    2. Select the fund control you want.
    3. Click Add, set the values you want (see below for details) and then click OK.

    Edit an existing fund

    To make changes to an existing fund:

    1. From the Module Menu select Maintenance, Acquisitions and then Funds.
    2. Select the fund control you want.
    3. Select the fund you want.
    4. Click Edit, make your changes (see below for details) and then click OK.

    By default, all the funds under the selected fund control are listed. In the Filter field you can choose to show only usable funds, active funds or inactive funds.

    • All funds - Shows all the funds in the fund control.
    • Usable funds - Shows all valid funds, i.e. funds that are in the active date range.
    • Active funds - Shows funds that are active but not necessarily valid, for example, they may be commitment-only or expenditure-only funds.
    • Inactive funds - Shows funds that are invalid and marked with the status "inactive".

    You can sort the list of funds by clicking the column heading for ID, Fund Name, Status, Budget, Commitment, Expenditure or Balance.

    Delete an existing fund

    You can only delete a fund if it has no commitment or expenditure. If there is commitment or expenditure then the Delete button will not be enabled.

    To delete an existing fund:

    1. From the Module Menu select Maintenance, Acquisitions and then Funds.
    2. Select the fund control you want.
    3. Select the fund you want.
    4. Click Delete, and then click Yes at the confirmation prompt.

    Old ID

    You might use the Old ID if you’re converting a fund from another system.

    Start and End date

    By default the Start date is today's date and the End date is a year from today, but you can change these if you wish.

    Minimum balance

    Specify the minimum balance as a percentage. This is used with the budget check. When the predicted balance is within the minimum specified here then the budget check will show a “Warning” status.

    Budget total

    Specify the budget total.

    External code and Secondary ID


    This can be active, commitment only, expenditure only or inactive.

    From Spydus 10.8, Inactive funds will not be loaded when launching the Acquisitions module.

    Fund tables

    Select a value from the lookup table or tables that have been set up for the fund control.

    If Auto-generate is selected then the Fund ID is generated automatically from the codes as you select the tables you want. The individual Fund IDs are made up of the Fund Control ID plus the code for the value from each table, separated by an underscore. For example, say the Fund Control ID is 2017FUNDS and we’re using the location and collection tables. If the location we've selected has the code "AB" and the collection we've selected has the code "FIC" then the fund ID will be "2017FUNDS_AB_FIC".

    If Auto-generate is not selected then you need to manually specify the Fund ID.

    The heading for each fund is made up of the Fund Control ID plus the description for the value from each table, separated by dashes. For example, say the Fund Control ID is 2017FUNDS and we're using the location and collection tables. If the location we've selected has the description "Abbey Library" and the collection has the description "Fiction" then the fund heading will be "2017FUNDS -- Abbey Library -- Fiction".