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Maintenance / Acquisitions maintenance / Funds / Add, delete or deactivate a fund control
In This Topic
    Add, delete or deactivate a fund control
    In This Topic

    The fund control or “schema” specifies the tables used to build the fund code. Typically a fund control might be set up for a financial year.

    Add a new fund control

    To add a New fund control:

    1. Navigate to Maintenance Acquisitions > Funds.
    2. Click New.
    3. Specify the new ID and Description.
    The ID cannot contain spaces. If spaces are included in the ID, these will be removed when the fund control is created, e.g. “TEST FUND” will become “TESTFUND”. Underscores are valid characters that may be used to make the ID more readable.
    1. Choose the table or tables you want.
    2. Click Save or Save & Close.

    Delete a fund control

    A fund control can only be deleted if there are no funds attached. If there are funds attached then the Delete button will not be enabled.

    To Delete a fund control:

    1. Navigate to Maintenance Acquisitions > Funds.
    2. Select the desired fund control from the dropdown list.
    3. Click Delete, then click Yes at the confirmation prompt. 

    Deactivate a fund control  

    It is possible to Deactivate any Fund Control that has no active funds. A fund is considered active if it is any state other than Inactive. i.e. Funds with the status Active, Expenditure Only, or Commitment Only are all considered active for the purposes of Fund Control deactivation.

    To Deactivate a fund control:

    1. Navigate to Maintenance Acquisitions > Funds.
    2. Select the desired fund control from the dropdown list.
    3. Click Deactivate, then click Yes at the confirmation prompt. 
    4. Click Save or Save & Close.

    Once a Fund Control has been deactivated, it will be hidden from the default Fund Control list. Clicking the Show Deactivated button in the action bar will change the dropdown list to display only deactivated Fund Controls. To return to showing active Fund Controls, click the Show Active button in the action bar.

    A deactivated Fund Control may be reactivated by clicking the Reactivate button in the action bar.

    See Also