Spydus Help
Maintenance / OPAC & enquiry maintenance / OPAC HTML Configurator / Search tab / Main header search section
    Main header search section

    This section contains options related to searches performed from the main header row of the OPAC. 

    Header placeholder text

    This text will appear in your search bar before a user clicks on it to perform a search.

    Enable custom website search

    If selected, borrower will be able to perform a search of an external website. This could be a council library website, a local council website or any other webpage. Search results will open in a new tab.

    Custom website search URL

    This is the URL which will link users through to your custom website. Spydus will append the search term onto the end of the URL e.g. https://www.google.com/search?q=

    Custom website name

    This is the name of your custom website. This will display in the header search bar.