The Home page is the default landing page when a user logs in to the Spydus web apps. In the screenshot below, four widgets are being displayed to the user.
There is also an Announcement about server maintenance.
To add a widget to the Home screen, the widget must be made available to the User Group to which to the user belongs. This must be performed by a user with access to the Maintenance module. This will produce a list of available widgets, and a search bar.
To add a widget to the Home screen;
Widgets can be dragged and dropped to rearrange them on the Home screen. To enter Edit mode, click the Edit button in the action bar. Click and drag any widget to rearrange its position in the screen.
To change the title or width of a grid widget, click Edit, then . Make the desired change, click Save, then click Done.
To change the title or width of a tile widget, click Edit, then . Make the desired change, click Save, then click Done..
To add another tile to the widget, click the + button.
To change the icon or colour of a tile in the widget, click that tile. Make the desired changes, click Save, then click Done.
To remove a widget from the Home Page, click Edit, then and then click Done.
Clicking on the title row will collapse or expand a widget. This setting will be remembered between sessions.
Click a column heading in a widget to sort the records in the widget on that column. Sorting will not be remembered between sessions. Available columns are determined by the record type, and cannot be changed.
Clicking on a tile widget will run the Saved Query that populates the widget, and show the results in the Enquiry module.
In grid widgets containing Items records, click to generate an Instant report.
If the record type in a widget has an associated action, click to process a transaction. For example:
The icon will appear for the following widgets:
All record types will have the icon at the end of each row. The options available depend on the record format being returned in the widget. The options available are those available in the action bar at the Full Display of the record type in Enquiry. For example: